Chapter 7: Sunset

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It has been 2 days since Leona was born. Everyone has seen the baby by now. Although that wasn't what has been on Aphmau's mind these days.

Aphmau was sitting outside the tree house on the ground. She was staring at the beautiful sunset. There was only one person on her mind at the moment. Aphmau sighed while looking at the clear blue water. Just like his eyes. She thought. Then she stared at the pink/purple clouds. I wonder what his favourite colour is? I'm sure it would be a wonderful colour. Aphmau let out another sigh.
All the sudden she heard a voice.

"Lady Aphmau."

Aphmau snapped out of her daydreaming state by recognizing the voice immediately.

She looked over at him. "Hi Garroth. What are you doing here?" she said blushing.

"I was going to ask you the same question." said Garroth. "Are Levin and Malichi in the tree house?"

"No." said Aphmau.

"So why are you here alone?" asked Garroth.

"Meh." said Aphmau "Just thinking about things."

"I see." said Garroth.

"Do you want to sit with me?" Aphmau asked.

"I.. uh.. sure." Garroth said. Then he sat beside Aphmau.

Wait. Did he just blush? Aphmau thought. Nah.

"So Garroth." Aphmau said "What is your favourite colour?"

"Blue." said Garroth.

"That's a nice colour." She said.

"Uh... thanks." Garroth said. "I already know what yours is."

"Oh ya?" Aphmau asked "What is it?"

"Well, your house is purple, your clothes are purple and you made a flag for a boat purple so... Orange?" Garroth asked.

Aphmau laughed. The light of the sun started to make things look golden. "I love it when the sunset does this. It makes things look more beautiful." she said looking around.

"Nothing can make you look more beautiful than you already are." said Garroth.

Aphmau blushed. "Thanks Garroth." She said.

Garroth smiled. "Your welcome." he brushed his blond bangs away from his eyes.

Aphmau's heart started to flutter. She smiled. I love it when he does that. Then a thought popped into her head. Should I tell him about what the girls talked about at the sleepover?

"Garroth?" he looked over at her. "I need to tell you something." Wait! What am I thinking? That's a stupid idea! That will just make things awkward! Stupid.

"What is it Lady Aphmau?" asked Garroth.

I need to say something to him! "I.. um... uh.. um..."

"Its ok Lady Aphmau." said Garroth. "You can tell me anything."

"I know... I just ... uh..." What do I say now? "Uh..." I know! I'll joke with him. "I'm a shadow knight."

He stared at her dumbfounded. I bet that wasn't what he expected to hear! Garroth still stared at her with wide eyes.

Aphmau burst out into laughter. "AH HA HA HA HA!" She gasped for air "AH HA HA HA!" she gasped again "I got you!"

Garroth put his hand over his heart. "Lady Aphmau, you almost gave me a heart attack." he said. Then Garroth started to laugh too.

Aphmau clapped her hands together. "Your face was hilarious!" She said.   

"I bet." Garroth said.

Garroth and Aphmau talked to each other  until the sun went down. Since it was getting dark Garroth walked with Aphmau back to her house.

"That was fun!" said Aphmau.

"Yes." agreed Garroth "It was."

"We should do it more!" offered Aphmau.

"Indeed." said Garroth "I'll see you tomorrow Lady Aphmau."

"See ya." said Aphmau. As Garroth was about to turn around Aphmau spoke. "Wait!" He looked at her. Aphmau gave Garroth a hug. "Good night."

"Good night." said Garroth.

She separated from the hug and went inside.

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