Chapter 26: What Happened

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It was just about sunrise when Aphmau emerged from the secret bunker, with a heavy heart.

I saw Cadenza die right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do. I killed Brendon. I was aiming for his shoulder, but it hit him in the head instead. I'm a murderer. How can I ever face Kiki the same way ever again, knowing that I killed her brother. Aphmau thought. How can I face my people ever again knowing that I killed one of them? Aphmau started to cry.

"Aphmau?" said Laurence.

"What are you doing out here Laurence?" asked Aphmau.

"I heard you crying so I came up to see if you're ok." said Laurence.

"Of course I'm not ok!" cried Aphmau "One of my best friends died! I also killed Brendon! I-I'm a murderer!"

Laurence put his hand on her shoulder. "No your not Aphmau." He said. "If anything, I should be blamed for all of this."

"Why?" asked Aphmau.

"I was the one who turned Brendon into a Shadow Knight in the first place." said Laurence. "I was the one who helped burn down Phoenix drop. I was the one who blew up your house, so I killed Garroth. I was the one who told Brendon to kill Cadenza. Everything is my fault Aphmau. I understand if you don't want me back into your village."

"Honestly Laurence, I don't know." said Aphmau "At the moment, I don't know who I can trust right now. You can come if you want, but you'll need to not me in shadow knight armor."

"After all I'd done to you and your people, you'll still let me back?" said Laurence.

"Yes." said Aphmau "Although, we need to keep an eye on Brian."

"Trust me." said Laurence "If he sees me, he'll probably leave."

"Maybe." said Aphmau. "I'll go and... clean of the dagger." She walked towards the nearest water source and started to clean off the dagger. Tears streaming down her eyes. I'm so sorry Brendon. I'm so sorry Cadenza. There was nothing I could do. Brendon, I only did it to protect Cadenza, I didn't know it would hit you in the head. I'm sorry. Cadenza, if I reacted sooner you may still be alive right now. I'm sorry. Everyone keeps dying. I feel like its all my fault. Everything keeps happening so fast. First Garroth, now you two. Aphmau felt a pang of guilt. As she glanced into the water, she saw for a split second of star Garroth, Brendon and Cadenza behind her. She spun around, but no one was there. Aphmau glanced at the water, but they were gone. I'm sorry. She picked up her now clean dagger and put it into her pocket. She got up and turned around. Laurence was approaching her in his regular attire.

Laurence noticed that she was crying. "Aphmau, are you ready to go? Or do you need a minute?" asked Laurence.

She just stood there and closed her eyes.

Laurence walked up to Aphmau and hugged her. "I know." he said "Its tough. I would say things would get better, but I'd never lie to you."

Aphmau parted from the hug looking to the ground. "Why did you really turn into a shadow knight Laurence?" Aphmau asked.

Laurence sighed. "It was because you died." answered Laurence.

"What?" said Aphmau.

"After we found out from the letter and Garroth confirming the letter true, something just came over me. I was in such a weak mental state because of grieving, the darkness overtook me." said Laurence "I had no power on what I did anymore. That was, until I saw that you were alive. Yes I did shoot an arrow at you, but I had some control again so I made myself miss. When I was about to kill you with my sword, I was able to stop myself and then... well you saw the rest."

"Alright." said Aphmau "My next question is, do we tell anyone what happened?"

"If we did, then I may not be welcomed back to Mateli or Phoenix Drop. If we did, you may loose Kiki's friendship. If we didn't, then what would the Lord of Mateli think. His daughter missing again? If we didn't, would Kiki think that her brother would be missing forever? What if someone found the room where this all took place?" said Laurence.

"We could blow up the old house like all of the other buildings in Phoenix Drop." suggested Aphmau "Then all of the evidence... would... what am I saying?! We can't hide what we did. Someone would find out. Someone always finds out!"

"We could fill it up with lava." suggested Laurence.

"Laurence? Do you here what I hear? We sound like criminals trying to cover up evidence of a crime scene!" said Aphmau.

"Your right." said Laurence.

"For now, we say nothing." said Aphmau "I'll get back to you on what my decision will be. Stay away from Mateli, or anyone for that matter until I tell you what my decision is. I'll meet you back at the bunker in two days time, at sunrise."

"Until then Aphmau." said Laurence "I'm just glad you're alive."

"I'm glad I'm alive too." said Aphmau. Or am I?

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