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mall meetings

I woke up with a massive headache, I got up rubbing my forehead with my hands.

Looking around the familiar room, which happens to be my living room.

A groan left my lips, I find my way to the bathroom slowly open the white door which that leads me to the bathroom.

I went to the cupboard beside the closet then took the first aid kid to find some aspirin.

After taking two pills, I returned the aspirin to where it belonged then got out of the bathroom.

"Taylor! Taylor!" I heard someone yell my name.

I turn around and saw my brother with a shocked expression.

"This is such a mess!" He exclaimed with a horrified expression.

"We have an hour to clean this up before I have to go pick mom and that up since Sergio is on his day off," he added.

I gave a slight nod. Sergio, he is my family's driver.

"Let's start cleaning, shall we?" he said with a brotherly tone.

I nod again feeling to tired to even say anything.

The house was a mess, and not just some mess. This was probably one of the most extreme one, out of all the other parties.

Well, this is going to be fun.

We finished cleaning the whole house, well not exactly the whole house. But enough to have mom and dad believing we were good and we had no party going on while they were gone.

"I'm going to go pick up mom and dad from the airport, wanna join me?"

"No, I'm tired. I'm just gonna go sleep. Bye brother. "

As soon as he left the door, I went upstairs to my room. I went to take a quick shower not forgetting to brush my teeth.

I took my phone from the table then looking at the text from my best friend and a few friends telling me they're going home.

All of the text are from last night. Some from today, at one, and two.

I turn my phone off hoping to sleep again.


"Oh my god Daniel Skye is so cute and his voice is so cute and everything about him is cute," Selena gushes with a high-pitched voice causing me to cover the right side of my ear.

"Calm down, Sel. We're in a mall. People are looking." I whispered feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Who cares? That's because we're cool."

I glared at her causing her to smile sheepishly at me.

"Let's go to Victoria Secret. . I heard there's a new perfume and I really have to buy more push up bras so Justin would finally notice me."

"wait! how is Justin suppose to notice you from you bra?"

"Well I'm going to use something sexy that shows my lacy push up bra."

"Sel, he knows you exist, he just doesn't know you like him."

"Well I just have to be sexy so he can notice me."

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