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I woke up to Luke's phone ringing. "Michael, will you answer that?" He mumbled. I checked the name. "Its your baby mama" I informed him. "Ask what she waaants" he whined, so i awkwardly answered. "Michael? Is luke okay?" Kimmy's annoying voice questioned. God I hated her. "Yeah." I told her. "Good." She said. "Ask if he wants to go shopping for the baby today." She added. "He um, might not be able to walk properly today..." I awkwardly informed her.

"What? Why?" Her annoying voice asked. I turned red and didn't answer her. I heard an annoying gasp come from her annoying mouth before her annoying voice started going through the phone again. "Oh my god! You guys frick fracked!" She exclaimed. "Ewwww" she added. I rolled my eyes. "Ew?" I asked.

"Yeah. Ew. Gay guys. Ew." She answered. "Your baby daddy is gay." I spit. "So? Doesn't mean I like him. I don't like gays such as Luke and yourself." She replied. "What if your daughter ends up gay?" I asked. "She won't." She answered. "You can't be sure. What if she does?" I pressed. "Then Luke can have full custody because I'm not having a gay child to raise. No." She explained. Wow.

"Luke just said he can't go. Bye slut." I hissed before hanging up. I hated her even more now. She didn't even like her baby daddy!? Or just the fact that he was gay?! And she was gonna just give up the baby if she way gay!? I needed to get up and do something that would make it so that I didn't want to kill Kimmy. I needed to calm the fuck down.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be back." I said, grabbing clothes and my toiletries bag and walking out of the room. I took a long shower and when I eventually got out, I slowly got dressed. I was calmer as I walked back to the room, threw my clothes on the floor, and put away my bag. Luke wasn't there, and there was a folded note on the nightstand. I sighed and unfolded it, seeing his familiar handwriting. The words, however, disappointed me.

Good morning love,

I went shopping for the baby with Kimmy. Only a little more than 3 months to go now. I'm so ready.

Anyway, I should be back around four. Have a great day. I love you x


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