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"W- why is Calum here?" I asked, not completely sure if I wanted to know the answer. They were sitting pretty close, on his bed, and Michaels hand was really close to Calums. "Because I wanted to hang out with him." Michael answered, but his voice sounded kind of nervous. "What really happened?" I snapped.

"You wanna know what happened?!" Calum asked, slight teasing showing in his voice as he stood up and came over to where he was standing in front of me. "Yes." I growled. "I kinda fucked your boyfriend. Sorry, princess." He told me, a smirk on his lips and he added a humorless laugh at the end.

"W- what?" I gasped. Calum laughed again. "I had fun Michael. See ya later" he added before walking out, closing the door gently behind him. "Michael, it's not true. Please fucking tell me it's not true." I whispered, shaking and he just blinked at me. "You didn't fuck Calum. Michael please tell me you didn't fuck Calum." I whispered again, my voice breaking as he just stared at me wordlessly. "Please." I mouthed. "Luke, I'm so sorry" he said.

I slid down against the wall until I hit the ground, pulling my knees up and resting my chin on them, tears rushing down my face. "Michael, why?" I demanded, not able to control the noises that were escaping me as I cried. "I- he-" he tried, sighing. "I don't know." He whispered. "God damn it." I squeaked, putting my face in my knees.

"Luke, I'm not even sure how it happened." He quietly told me. I ignored him. "Let me explain?" He asked. "You cheated on me with Calum. Theres nothing to explain." I told him. "well maybe if you were ever fucking  here with me I wouldn't have had to." He mumbled.

"REALLY!? IF I WAS HERE WITH YOU!?!?" I almost  yelled as I stood up, my tears almost stopping as rage filled my body. "Yes, really. You're always gone with your little slut. You never have time for me anymore Luke! It's always Kimmy and the baby, Kimmy and the baby, 'I have to go with Kimmy.' 'The baby needs this in 3 months so I'm gonna go get it.' ITS ALWAYS THEM!" he yelled back.

He stood up and I walked over to him. "SERIOUSLY!? YOU CANT SAY YOU CHEATED BECAUSE I WAS SHOPPING FOR THE BABY!" I screamed, getting closer to him and his back hit the wall. "Its not just today! Its every day! Kimmy and the baby are all you fucking care about!" He yelled. "Fuck you!" I shouted, and I was really close to him. He had tears forming in his eyes but oh well.

"Maybe you're fucking her" he whispered. "GOD NO! OF COURSE IM NOT FUCKING HER!" I almost yelled. "Maybe if you were fucking me I wouldn't have cheated" he told me. I punched the wall by his head. Hard. But what I saw a couple seconds later broke my heart.

His hands were shielding his face. "Michael" I whispered. "You thought i was gonna hit you?" I asked, my voice cracking and barely above a whisper, as a tear left my eye.

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