Chapter 6

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"I found my mate," I say as I sit with James in the parking lot at school. School has already let out for the day, we are just sitting on the tailgate of his truck now, not wanting to go home just yet.

James snaps his head to look at me so fast I'm sure his neck would have snapped if he was human. "What? When? Who? You're just telling me this now?"

I bite my lip as I look at him. I know I should have told him sooner, I just didn't know how. For some reason I feel like it's not fair that I found my mate before my best friend/Alpha did, especially since he is older than me by a month.

"Last night at Walmart with Jojo," I say.

"Congratulations man," He nudges me in the shoulder with his own, I can feel his sadness from not having his own mate, which only makes me feel ten times worse. "Why didn't you tell me earlier though?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't know how,"

"Ridge, we have been best friends since day one of life, we always tell each other everything, how did you not know how to tell me?"

I shrug my shoulders again. "I feel guilty, James,"

"Why?" He asks confused.

I look down at my hands in my lap. "Because it should have been you finding your mate first. I just feel guilty about it,"

James sighs loudly. "Ridge, don't worry about me. You had the privilege to find your mate, don't worry about how I will feel about it," He nudges me again. "So you don't know who it is then?" He asks to change the subject.

I shake my head sadly. "No, he was getting peanut butter though, that's how I ran into him,"

"Him, huh," Same sex mates are common, just not for Alpha's and Beta's, we have to be able to reproduce to continue the blood lines.

"Yeah, I asked him his name but he lied and said James,"

James turns in his seat to stare wide eyed at me. "He lied about his name and used mine instead?"

I nod my head yes. "He wasn't comfortable with me so he didn't tell me his real name, ironic isn't it?"

"What else aren't you telling me?" James asks. That's the thing about being best friends your whole life, you always know the others emotions and when something is on their mind.

I bite my lip as I look up at him. "He had a bruise in the shape of a hand on his throat,"

James's eyes darken as he listens to me. The thought of anyone hurting someone's mate is just awful. James and I do not approve of bullying and abuse at all. So I really want to kill whoever hurt my mate.

"Someone touched him?" James growls.

"Yeah," My hands turn into fists in my lap. "I want to kill whoever touched him,"

"You have to find him first," James informs me.

"Yeah," I grumble as I rein in my anger. "I checked already, I think I looked everywhere, but he is definitely not in our school,"

"So he goes somewhere else, you don't know his real name, and you don't know the first thing about him," James says. "What are you going to do now?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I haven't the first clue honestly,"

"Why don't you try the other schools?" He asks.

I look back at him with wide eyes. "You mean transfer?"

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