Chapter 19

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**So there is a part in this chapter that Kaylene says "go, go, go" and it just reminded me of "Go, Go, Go," By Sleeping With Sirens, so that is the song above. Fuck I LOVE SWS!! :D **


"Oh just your life story and all the embarrassing things," Newbie says calmly as he watches me.

"My life story and all the embarrassing things?" I ask worried as mom prepares my sandwich. "Like what exactly?"

Mom giggles and quickly clears her throat. "Sorry, I was just thinking,"

"Thinking of all the stories you probably told him?" I ask with a glare towards her.

"Don't worry, Beowulf, she didn't tell me anything to terribly embarrassing," Newbie chuckles to himself.

I groan before sitting in the bar stool next to him. "I hate you both," I mutter.

"No you don't, honey," Mom says as she slides my sandwich over to me. "You love us,"

I glare at her before picking up my sandwich. "That's what you think," I grumble.

Mom smiles at Newbie before looking back at me. "Beo, I like this young gentleman." Mom says as I chew my delicious sandwich. "He even thinks I'm cool,"

I almost choke as I swallow down the food hard. Mom quickly hands me a bottle of water which I chug half of it down.

"You really should invite him over more often," Mom continues on. "I like him a whole lot better than your other friends."

I shrug my shoulders and continue to eat. "Don't tell Niles that,"

"I just might tell him," She threatens.

"Please don't, I'll never hear the end of it." I whine

"No, I think I will tell him," She continues.

"Okay then, just know that Niles is a persistent bastard and will start to show up unannounced just to get you to like him more," I say before taking another bite.

"Okay, I'll just invite Ridge over every time Niles shows up then."

I raise an eyebrow before glancing over at Newbie who tries not to laugh. "And how does Newbie feel about this?"

My mother gives me a hard look at calling him Newbie before we both look over at said guy.

Newbie shrugs his shoulders. "I'm cool," He says with a smile. "Besides, I happen to like Kaylene, Beowulf, it's a wonderful excuse to come bug her,"

I groan loudly and get up to place my empty plate in the dishwasher. "She's not that cool,"

I should have seen it coming. Mom whacks me in the back of the head with her hand. I can't help but laugh and jump away from her.

"Mom," I laugh as she hits me in the chest. She goes to hit me again before I pull both her arms behind her back gently and hold her there as she struggles to get free. "Why are you so violent?"

Newbie's laugh has be shivering and wishing to hear it every day. I gulp and shake my head before looking back at my mom. I really need to stop this weird behavior towards him.

"Are you done?" I ask her as she stops struggling.

"I am too cool, Beowulf," She scolds with a pout. "Now let me go so I can hit you again."

"Nuh uh," I say and shake my head. "I'm not going to let you abuse me some more,"

Mom takes a deep breath before giving me a puppy dog face. "Baby, I won't hit you again if you let me go," She says.

Beowulf (BoyxBoy, Werewolf)(Book 1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now