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For FFA2001

Your first request here! On your third one, I'll add your name. Because apparently you spammed requests HAHAAHAH. ^^


The chaos in the school's cafeteria was almost deafening, and you actually regretted not staying in the library. A boy, Hansol to be exact, came up to you and pulled you put of your seat.

He was dancing to some kind of music that was apparently just the other students annoying shouts and screams. As if this was a club. And the two of you were only 17. You pulled away from him.

"Aww come on! Don't be such a party pooper, (Y/N)!" Hansol frowned and pulled your best friend up. She was one of them and you didn't really like mixing around with those kind of people. Your best friend stood on the table and did one flirty dance which made the guys whistle.

Seriously, what party? WHERE'S THE PARTY, TELL ME CHOI HANSOL. Not wanting to waste your time on these jerks, you just walked out of the cafeteria to the library where you 'belong'.

In the library, you sat at your usual spot. Which was at a corner. You were actually hungry, which was weird since you always skipped meals. But no way you were going in the cafeteria again. All you did was stare blankly at nothing in particular.

"What 'chu doing here?" A sweet voice asked and you looked up. You saw Seokmin looking down at you. "Daily routine," You mumbled and held your stomach, feeling your hunger 'growing'. Seokmin was always there with you in the library.

He sat next to you and hugged his knees. It was quiet until your stomach growled loudly. You cursed silently while Seokmin laughed. "Bought you something just in case. But shh," He gave you a piece of bun.

You gladly took it and munched on it silently. Seokmin was eating one too. Although that happiness was cut in. When the librarian walked past you two. She gave you a glare. Ugh. Detention it is... Well, at least Seokmin'll be there.

After school, the two of you trudged to detention. You and Seokmin were those good kids, detention not being your usual place. Maybe it was for Hansol and your best friend.

When you entered, some paper balls were thrown in you direction and Seokmin's. But you just ignored them. "Didn't dance in the cafeteria, but she's still in detention! (Y/N),you're so unbelievable!! Tsk tsk," Hansol said which had his friends laughing.

Seokmin sat together with you at the back of your classroom. Since you had nothing to do, you just took your homework out. Then the lame class monitor was lazing around. WHERE'S THE TEACHER GODDAMMIT.

After some time, you let your hair go and tied it into a bun since it was more comfortable. You felt Seokmin looking at you and you looked back at him. He brushed out a strand of your light brown hair from your face. "You look..pretty,"

You blushed at his words. Then you felt another person's glare. You looked up and saw Hansol glaring at you. All you did was glare back. Seokmin was staring at you, but you didn't complain.

"Stop staring at her jerk. It's not like she's that pretty," Hansol said and a paper ball was thrown at Seokmin. "Well to me she is," Seokmin answered bluntly and you blushed again. You were quiet until you heard a chair being harsly thrown aside. And when Seokmin disappeared from your side.

Hansol had Seokmin by the collar. "What do you want?" Seokmin asked lazily, rolling his eyes. You didn't really care, since you knew Seokmin could handle it. "Stop staring at her," Hansol said slowly, each word dragging out.

"And? At least I look at (Y/N) like she's a princess. You look at hoes that'll grow up to work at the strip club,"Seokmin said and pointed a finger at one of the girls that Hansol hung out with usually. That girl gasped loudly, having an offended expression.

You stifled a laugh, thinking about how bad that girl just got burned. "See? (Y/N) agrees," Seokmin shrugged. Hansol gritted his teeth,which made his jawline look sexy. Wait no. You don't like him. You don't like him, (Y/N).

"Don't. Stare. At. MY. GIRL." Hansol said slowly, each word dragging out. His girl? Since when? You pried Hansol's grip off Seokmin and he went back to his seat.

Gently,you shoved Hansol's shoulder. "You need a doctor," You glared at him. "Right,a love doctor," Hansol finished your sentence. Okay, he really needs help. You rolled your eyes at him. No Choi Hansol, just no.

"Okay, okay. I like you (Y/N),"Hansol put his hands down his side after 'surrendering'. He was just playing with you. How would a bad boy like you? The good girl. You just shook your head and went back to your seat.

"I really do okay? I'm not lying. And I hate seeing Seokmin with you. That's why. I don't like hoes," Hansol said, the last statement made with disgustment. It was all impossible. So you looked at him and saw his sincerity. Weird huh? Sincerity in Choi Hansol's eyes.

He held your shoulders and quietly said, "One date?For me to prove it to you?" And you actually answered. Just take note, maybe Seokmin is the one who needs to go see the doctor. Because he fell from his chair.

"Fine. Just one date... and I'll see,"


Okay, my writing is getting more worse.. But I hope its fine. DAMN IM BAD.

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