Pair Four : Vernon and Wonwoo

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For InParisTogether


Who's the Dominant one: Wonwoo. Cose he's the hyung and the hyung needs the bigger role.

Who's the Tickle Monster: Vernon. His wraps disappered. AND HE NEEDS TO KNOW WHERE IT IS.

Who's the Big Spoon: Wonu. His cutie dongsaeng falls asleep easily so Wonu will sneak behind him and pull him close. Awww cutie pie.

Who's the Always-Horny One: Wonwoo. Cose he's the hyung and the hyung must be the always horny one. Anyway, Vernon got no time to be horny. He needs to find his wraps.

Who's the Cuddddddlleeerrrr: Vernonn! Since Wonwoo is always the big spoon when the spoon... he cuddles his hyung alot. And they cuddle almost very weirdly but cutely.

Who uses all the hot water: Wonwoo. He don't even want to be bothered to wake Vernon up. If Vernon is up, Vernon will be making breakfast so Wonwoo can get a warm bath.

Who is harder to wake up: Depends actually. But instead of who is harder to wake up, Wonwoo and Vernon always fight for who gets the alarm clock in the morning.

What's their favourite activity together: Write songs together. Since Wonwoo like writing short and sweet ones, Vernon helps him compose some raps to sneak in it.

Why they build forts: Doing cute bandana hunts, and that is their headquarters where they plan how to get the bandanas without getting spotted by the enimes. Aka the drawn picture of Woozi.

Who's the one on their 'period' most of the time: Vernon. He gets cranky to Wonwoo all of a sudden, but then the older will find out that Vernon actually got scolded by Seungcheol.

What they eat together frequently: Pizza and Bacon. Why not eat both at the same time? Fold the pizza with strips of bacon in it. MMHHMNH

Where do they always spend time together: In the car. Like the company car, not theirs. Since they can jam all say long in it without anyone complaining.

Why they fight: Another one of Vernon's man period days... Gets mad when he found out dinner wasn't ready when he got home, but he actually ate a whole bunch of food at work.

Who gives in when making up: Wonwoo. Cose he's the hyung and the hyung must give in. Vernon just wants more cuddles ya know?

Who's the one making the corny jokes: Wonwoo. And he'll do it in his high pitched Wonu voice. Just for fun. Vernon will start burying himself under the sheets.

When the other is sick: Vernon- Starts nagging at his Hyung for not taking care of himself while cleaning the room, making Wonwoo chuckle softly. Wonwoo- Imitates Vernon to make him feel better, laughs alot just for Vernon.

Who's the overprotective one: Vernon. Silently judges when Mingyu talks to Wonwoo, rolling his eyes and etc. He got that b*tch attitude on when he's overprotective.

Who likes Mint more: ugh god, this Chan guy just can't stop staring at me...

Who thinks Mint is hot: tictacs

Why Mint is hot: I SAID TIC TACS.


This ship was weird.

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