Pair Eight : Jeonghan and Wonwoo

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For jeonggyutrash


Who's the Dominant one: Wonwoo~ I almost fainted imagining a submissive Jeonghan. *in BamBam's voice* killll me~

Who's the Tickle Monster: Wonwoo also. He'll start attacking Jeonghan to the ground, knees by his sides, then start the ticling treatment. Then laughing with his oh so sexy low voice..  @-@

Who's the Big Spoon: Jeonghan. Wonwoo will be hugging a pillow tightly and Jeonghan will creep behind him, then pulling him from the back.

Who's the Always-Horny One: HEHEU. I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU WHAT I HAD IN MIND COSE... your spirit will be reading this.

Who's the Cuddddddlleeerrrr: Jeonghan. When they cuddle, he'll be supppper playful. Like he'll randomly start playing with Wonwoo's feet, making weird noises as if their feet are talking.

Who uses all the hot water: Wonwoo. Jeonghan did it a couple times before, so this is the revenge Wonwoo has for Jeonghan. Apparently he doesn't care about Hannie's hair.

Who is harder to wake up: Wonuuuuuu. Must. Beat. The. Hell. Out. Of. His. Emo. Self.

What's their favourite activity together: Braiding lessons from Mr. Yoon. They'll have to use the poor carpet to show it to Wonwoo, but in the end, Jeonghan just has knots in his hair.

Why they build forts: To start making their own movie. Jeonghan will do the sound effects while Wonwoo voices both the male and female lead. #relationshipgoals

Who's the one on their 'period' most of the time: Jeonghan. He gets mood swings like girls.

What they eat together frequently: Chinese Takeout. Then in the middle of eating, their chopsticks start having a war.

Where do they always spend time together: Work. Be it backstage, the recording room, the practice room. They just have more time at work.

Why they fight: Some petty misunderstanding, which turns into a huge fight in front of the members.

Who gives in when making up: Each of them will be persuaded by one member to stop fighting and ignoring each other, so apparently the members will stare at then until they apologise.

Who's the one making the corny jokes: Wonwoo. He'll do those cute hand movements with his sweater paws to make Jeonghan smile. And that cute clap he always does, ugh.

When the other is sick: Wonwoo- Is very concerned about Jeonghan. Keeps on asking every 20 seconds if he needs anything. Jeonghan- Makes sure Wonwoo takes his meds properly, proper clothing, proper everything.

Who's the overprotective one: Jeonghan! *shoves Mingyu's face away*

Who likes Mint more: So after 2 minutes, we broke up..

Who thinks Mint is hot: MINYOONGI

Why Mint is hot: sauna


*shrug shrug*

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