Dino and Hoshi

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For im_the_diamond


"Say... what do you think bout Chan?" Soonyoung suddenly asked you as he plopped down on the seat next to you. You looked up and pressed your lips into a thin line.

"And why are you asking me this?" You asked out of curiosity, going back to your drawing. Soonyoung shrugged casually.

"He's my close friend, and you don't know if he might have a crush on--OUCH!" His sentence got cut off when someone threw a shoe bag at his head, that someone being Chan.

Chan walked towards him and sheepishly gave you a smile, before it turned into a stern one. Soonyoung looked at him innocently, but got dragged away by Chan.

You shook your head at their silly actions, being their normal selves. Your eyes widen when you realised you had just drawn a small baby dinosaur at the corner of the paper, it reminding you of Chan.

Before anyone saw it, you quickly erased the drawing. Everyone in your art class calls him a dinosaur and if they saw your drawing, they might start drawing unwanted attention to you.

Thinking back about Soonyoung's question, you silently began doodling. What did you exactly think about Chan huh? Well he is sweet and cute, but not really your style.

The man of your dreams always had to have this one good skill; Drawing. Anyway, you were good at it. Not only good, you were the best artist in your school, even though you were still a junior.

But Chan wasn't that bad too. Even though his drawings might be sold to the zoo for monkeys to eat, he was always good at dancing. He might look like a dumb and dorky kid, but once he started dancing.. A new Chan appeared.

You blinked your eyes and hit your head several times, not even sure why you were contemplating about that. Pft, it's not as if Chan is going to ask me out.

Art class ended soon and you walked out for lunch, almost feeling like someone was following you. You rolled your eyes and hit your head again, thinking that you might have gone crazy with Soonyoung's question.

"(Y/N?)" Someone called you. You turned from looking into your locker and saw Chan standing awkwardly at the empty hallway.

"Yea?" You told him and shut your locker close, walking towards him. You could clearly see him take a step back and you cocked your head. "I don't bite, Chan," You said before chuckling.

Chan's face became red as he struggled with his breathing, the airway not opening for him. He managed to bring his hand forward and you saw a small vitamin pack.

"You kept on-..uh, I saw you hitting your head.." He drew small patterns on the floor, trying to calm his heart down. "I just guess if you're having a headache, you can take this.. I found an extra pack in my bag,"

You laughed at how concerned he was, and again, Chan started turning red at the sound of your laughter. His ears looked really red, and his face looked like it was about to explode.

"I'm not having a headache,"You told him and his eyes widened, bringing his hand behind himself. "But, I won't push away such a kind offer," You continued.

Chan took in a deep breath and walked towards you, pouring out some squishy looking tablets. "Their flavour's grapes," He mumbled, popping one into his mouth.

"My favourite,"

"Your favourite,"

Both you and Chan said. Chan looked up, eyes widening again. "Oh no, I'm not a stalker. I swear!!" He put his hands up. You laughed and shook your head, putting one tablet into your mouth.

You stayed silent, and so did Chan. "I guess I should get going then," He said before offering you a smile and walking away.

Before you could call him up, someone was seen fly-kicking Chan. You gasped, almost dropping the vitamin tablet from your mouth.

"Why are you such a COWARD LEE CHAN?!?! I told you to have lunch with her, CAN'T YOU DO THAT?!?" Soonyoung shouted as he shook Chan who was rubbing his tailbone.

"OUCH," He emphasised, pushing Soonyoung away. Chan stood up and looked behind, then remembering that you were still there. "Sorry, he's just--" This time, Chan got cut off by Soonyoung.

"Chan likes you. But he can't confess cause (Y/N) likes artistic guys~" Soonyoung said, opening his hands up and imitating a girly voice at the end which was supposed to be Chan's, you guessed.

You laughed again when Chan playfully punched Soonyoung on his arm. Soonyoung ran off all of a sudden, leaving Chan frantically calling him.

"So you do like me," You said and Chan rubbed the back of his neck. "I know you don't like me, I'm fine with that," He rushed those words out of his mouth.

"Yeah I don't," You said straightforwardly. Chan's eyes dropped and he looked down, hands in front of him together. He nodded, giving you a signal that he understood.

You went closer to him and said,"But should we spend more time together now? I think there's a chance of 99.9% that I'll fall for you."

Chan looked up as his eyes brightened up, shocked in a good way. "Really?" He asks in disbelief. You nodded, still chewing on the tablet.

He beamed happily and ran towards you, lips puckering. Before he got too close to you, you pushed his face away. "If you want to kiss me, I suggest you don't. Your lips will get stuck on mine.. Because of this vitamin thingy,"

Not caring, Chan walked towards you and quickly gave you a peck. "See? It's not stuck," He told you. "We aren't dating you know," You told him.

"Then take it as a friendly kiss," Chan happily smiled and you both laughed while walking towards the cafeteria.

Someone came hugging both of you from nowhere. "AWWW CHAN CONFESSED TO (Y/N)~" Soonyoung cooed. Chan pushed him away.

"No hugging my girlfriend to be please," Chan said, putting a hand before himself, like a bodyguard.



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