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For HannahTuan3


"I not afraid of heights,"

"Yea you are,"

"No I'm not!"

"Uh huh? That's a lie,"

"It's not! I'm not a scaredy cat, okay?"

Jun squinted his eyes and poked your cheek. "You're lying," He said as he poked your cheek again. You kicked his leg from the side as you took a bite from your candyfloss. "I still think you're--" Jun stopped talking, then rushing forward.

You frowned and stared at his figure which looked like a cute duck running away. What is wrong with h--Oh. When you turned to your right, you saw a haunted house. Ohhhh was he scared?

Finifhing the last bites of your candyfloss, you threw it into the bin and ran after Jun. He looked lost since he wasn't familiar to this amusement park. You tapped his shoulder and he jumped a little. You looked at him with the I-know-why face.

"W-what?? I just wanted to.. uh to... uh," Jun stuttered as you folded your arms and tapped your feet impatiently. Your eyebrow was cocked,since you knew that he was scared. "COME ON LEGGO!!"

With all the strength you had, you tried pulling Jun towards the haunted house. "Noooooo~~" He whined but you still had enough strength to pull him. "Tsk tsk, and you call yourself a man," You stopped and shook your head.

Apparently, you must've hurt your best friend's pride. Since the next second, he was the one pulling you to the hajnted house while mumbling something about him proving himself as a man. You two arrived at the haunted house soon.

Suddenly, Jun stopped. "Courtesy of a man..Ladies first," Jun said, trying to sound like Joshua. But failed miserably. That was all just an excuse so that he could hide behind you. You shook your head and took the lead.

Jun appeared next to you soon and he was looking around nervously. At first it wasn't that scary, only accompanied by some scary and creepy music.

Instead of you holding onto him, Jun was the one that latched on your arm for dear life. Before reaching the next 'course', the people before us could be heard screaming. From that, Jun stopped dead on his tracks.

"Wait, I lose.Now let's get out of here," Jun hurried it all out of his mouth before turning hot on his heels. You didn't flinch at all from his grip and you stared at him,unimpressed.

"BLEH," You rolled your eyes and peeled yourself off him. When you went to the original direction and started walking, Jun realised that you were going to leave him. "Y-YA!"

You held your laughter in and turned the slimy feeling doorknob before pushing it open. Jun leaned in nearer to your side and poked his head in after you did.


"SEUNGKWAN!!" You shrieked when a funny looking kid ghost thingy appeared. The ghost had an enlarged pair of eyes with some fake blood falling down its face.

He pouted and frowned, walking back to his spot. "BOO!!" He cutely tried to scare you again.

"HONG," You mocked in a weird accent and walked away. Then suddenly, you realised that Jun wasn't with you. Turning around, Jun wasn't there.

"WEN JUNHUIIII," You shouted boldly.

Someone held your wrist and you smiled, finally relieved that Jun didn't run away. You turned to face your left. But Jun wasn't the one standing there.

Another ghost that was supposed to look like a zombie-groom or something was there instead. He had a crooked neck and was grinning creepily. "Hi (Y/N)... Come on, follow us," He slurred.

Your eyes widened. Us who? Another 'person' held your right wrist and you saw a zombie-bride. She was a replica of the groom, same crooked neck and creepy smile. But a girl version.

Now, you were freaking out. Did they eat Jun's brain? Oh no, he owes me 10 freaking dollars!!!

The couple pulled you in to unknown place which was far from the normal route. "WAIT, WHERE'S JUN?!! I NEED MY MONEY!" You struggled.

Tears gathered at the corner of your eyes and you were actually scared for the first time. Not because of your money, but what if you couldn't see Jun anymore? What if you... didn't have the chance to tell Jun you loved him? More than a friend.

"Get ready (Y/N)... What are your last words?" The bride asked. You didn't know what to say and just blurted out the things that came up to your mind.

"JUN WEARS PINK HEART SHAPE BOXERS AND NEVER WASHED THEM!!" You blurted while they continued dragging you. You couldn't even see where they were taking you to since you were being dragged while on your heels.

The zombie-groom cleared his throat and you cocked your head in confusion. "U-uh, other things," He asked awkwardly. Well this IS awkward.


Suddenly, they stopped. Please, my brain is not that delicious. You gulped and a few hot tears rolled down your cheeks.

When you turned around, you saw a huge aquarium. The couple disappeared all of a sudden and you were left there alone. "OH COME ON," You shouted.

Two hands covered your eyes and you froze. A familiar cologne smell filled the place. "Is this Jun's ghost? If you are, I want my money," You managed to squeeze out.

Jun's chuckle was heard when he removed his hands from your eyes. He appeared before you and instead of being dressed in his casual outfit, he was in a tuxedo. That was almost the same as the zombie-groom but neater.

He brought his handss forward and you saw a white rose there. "Okay, I like you too and I'M NOT SCARED OF THIS KIND OF THINGS," Jun emphasised and gave you the white rose.

"I want a red one though,"You joked while taking it. "But you like it," Jun answered confidently.

You laughed and smiled. "Yeah yeah I do..So am I your girlfriend?" You asked.

"Nah..." Jun pouted and shook his head. You frowned and stared at the white rose in your hand. Jun wrapped his arm around your shoulder and squeezed them slightly.

"You're my soon-to-be wife,"


First of all, I'm really sorry this took a long time! I'll do the requests in this book as fast as I can to those who requested~

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