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For leechihoonforever


"Hey transfer student!" Everyone shouted as Mingyu walked in, all of you earning a smile from him. Some girls shrieked while others squealed.

Mingyu had just transferred into your school about a week ago, and he got along well with almost everyone. He was the girls' eye candy, yours too of course. He was extremely handsome, even guys would fall in love.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Wonwoo, the guy he was the closest too, would go gay for him. You actually kind of liked their bromance. OTP FOR LIFE ACTUALLY.

You smiled to him as he sat in front of you, placing his bag on the floor. Mingyu hadn't really talked to you properly, something like not having a real conversation before.

But you didn't really care, you would rather stare at him all day. Even though it was kind of impossible to do that when he was in front of you. His back view was also handsome, no lie there.

"(Y/N)," Mingyu suddenly called out, turning around to place his folded arms on your table. "Hmm?" You hummed, keeping your book into your bag.

You sat up straight again, looking at a smiling Mingyu. "Can we meet after school? That if you have nothing on.." Mingyu asked, eyes looking down a little.

"I don't! So... where do you want to meet up at?" You said, boasting your toothy smile at him. Mingyu beamed happily and answered,

"Just meet me outside the school gate, I'll tell you later on," Mingyu answered and all of a sudden, a fist landed heavily on your table. The both of you looked up seeing your best friend squinting her eyes.

She leaned down, grabbing Mingyu by his collar. "DAMN NO KISSING HERE!"A classmate shouted, making her laugh from her serious face.

Your best friend cleared her throat and went into her character into again. "You aren't a serial killer right? Do you collect bodies?" She asked.

Mingyu squinted his eyes like her and leaned in to whisper in her ear,"Hello kitty's body." Your best friend immediately stood up with a straight face, then hitting his shoulder.

"Hello kitty murderer," She said, glaring playfully at him and walking back to her seat. Mingyu laughed sweetly and gave you a small wave before sitting back to face the front.


You walked to the school's gate right after your last class, feeling excited already to meet Mingyu. "Take care (Y/N)!" Your best friend said before running off to the small ice cream stall outside your school.

"You're quick," Someone said and you turned around, seeing Mingyu still with his pretty smile on his face. You laughed and shrugged, your bottom lip sticking out.

"Where are we going?" You asked as you licked the ice cream Mingyu had just brought for you. "I'm not really sure," Mingyu told you while smiling awkwardly.

"I just wanted to hang out I guess,"He told you truthfully. You blushed slightly at his statement but managed to calm yourself down, if that was a thing.

"Then let's just randomly walk around," You said and he agreed almost right after you said that. The two of you walked down the streets with the ice creams in hands, eating it deliciously.

After you both finished the ice cream, you found yourself getting dragged into a flower shop by Mingyu. "A flower shop Mingyu? I didn't know you liked these things," You teased.

Mingyu just poked his tongue out and walked before you. You managed to catch up with him, licking the remains of the ice cream on your lips.

All of a sudden, Mingyu had his fingers interlocked with yours. You looked up and down from his face to your hands, confused. Mingyu was looking away, whistling to a tune you didn't know.

He was bringing you to an aisle full of roses, red ones, pink ones and white ones. "Do you like roses, (Y/N)?" Mingyu asked, looking back to you.

"I think I'm starting to," You told him and walked on behind him. Mingyu stopped at the end, sitting on a chair there. "This is my family's business,"

Your eyes widened in awe and your jaw dropped. "Really?" You asked loudly all of a sudden after minutes of silence. Mingyu nodded while laughing, reaching back to take 3 roses in his hand.

"Red, pink or white?" He asked you. You smiled and took the red one,"I'll go with the classic." Mingyu grinned and nodded to look behind you. You did, and saw nothing.

Turning back to face Mingyu, you found out he was gone. "Okay are you looking for another Hello Kitty body?!?" You asked and heard a muffled laughter.

You looked at where the laughter came from, which was at the place full of roses. There was some decorated vines now that you saw it clearly.

You pushed it apart and saw Mingyu chuckling, sitting in a cardboard floor with an electronic candle. "Come in," He told you and you climbed on it.

"Don't ask, cardboard catches fire easily," He said when you eyes the candle. "You have many secrets don't you?" You asked him and looked around, surrounded by flowers.

"I have one more, and only you should know," Mingyu told you as he told you to come closer. You did and waited for him to say it.

Then suddenly, a bouquet of red roses appeared in front of you. "I like you," Mingyu said. Your eyes widened and you backed away, but then got a shy peck on your cheek from Mingyu.

You took the bouquet from his hand and looked at it. "I like you too of course," You answered. Mingyu smiled and engulfed you into a bear hug, almost squishing the roses.

"Now be grateful, I did all bouquet of the three colours because I didn't know what you liked," Mingyu said and tapped your nose. You nodded while smiling.

"Okay now, let's search for more Hello Kitties,"



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