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For InfiniteLxD


You walked through the dark woods, filled with worry and a little of excitement. First, you tried to remember why you were there.

Was it to find your dog? Heck no. Your mom was too evil to let a dog into the house.

After a long time, you finally remembered the reason you were actually in this creepy forest. It was to find your kite which snapped off for no particular reason.

Well it was your favourite kite, there's no way you were going to leave it. It wasn't your first time here. In fact,it was your second.

The first time you were here, happened from the same thing. Your kite's string snapped off. You smiled happily as you walked over a huge root sticking out, remembering the boy.

He was around the same age as you maybe? You didn't know. The thing about him was that he didn't speak, but his actions spoke for himself.

His skin was milky white and now that you think about it, you were quite envious of it. That boy was dressed in a mysterious type of black clothing, red velvety on the inside.

Your same kite was found by him, and he happily played it with you. In the woods. As he held it, the kite looked as if an invisible bird was swiftly carrying the kite on its back, avoiding the veins hanging down.

You wondered where he was, he must've grown to be a handsome man. You were sure he was much much more handsome and good looking than the boys in your school, since none of them look good.

"Where is it?" You asked yourself, pushing the leaves and branches that was blocking your view. Shit.

Just then, you remembered that you had no guide back home. You frantically looked around, sweat forming on you who doesn't sweat easily.

"No no,"You mumbled, the little tingle of excitement gone. How were you going home? You mom would be worried sick, you would miss school. Well missing school it the good thing...

"Need any help?" Someone asked, making you jump a little. You wiped your teary eyes and turned around hurriedly, finding whoever was the one who said that.

When you turned up, a guy who looked like he got bleached was staring at you from up a tree. Your eyes got more teary as you got scared, more scared than ever.

Looking closely, you saw a pair of fangs at the sides of the set of his teeth. Vampires? No way! They don't exist, at least that's what you thought.

He perched down, face right in front of yours. You gathered your courage and pushed him away, attempting to run away. But you couldn't, leg stuck to the ground.

"Go away! I just want my kite!" You shouted, tears already flowing down your face. You always thought that you would fall in love with a vampire, since the ones in the movies are always hot and handsome.

But now, you were just scared stiff. Scared and worried and afraid and so many negative feelings.

"Kite? What kite?" He asked, appearing before you. He held you with a gentle touch and you struggled, trying to get away. That vampire stayed calm and stared at you, eyeing you up and down.

Once his hands got on the side of your neck, you got stiff. You were so scared, very scared, extremely scared. There's not enough words for you to describe that feeling.

You shut your eyes and you felt his hot yet cold breath against your neck, him nearing in. "Don't," You whispered in a hushed voice, but he didn't hear you. Maybe he really didn't hear you, or maybe he was acting, you didn't know.

The next thing you felt was two hole being punctured into the side of your neck, as if he was used to it. His hand guiding you nearer to him. Your knees went weak, and you could only see darkness next.


You pried your eyes open, seeing your surroundings still dark. It took you a while to remember what happened. And when you did, you almost had a panic attack.

A soft voice called out, hushed and quiet. "Are you the kite girl? The one from before?" The same boy from before asked. You looked up at him, next to you.. with your kite in one hand.

You quickly struggled to get up, but failed. The boy held you down, hands around your waist. Surprisingly, you felt safe in his arms. Safe.

"Kite girl? Me? I guess so," You mumbled and closed your eyes, a sore pain by your neck. "I'm sorry," He whispered and you opened your eyes, seeing his filled with tears.

Subconsciously, you reached up to touch his cheek. A tear rolled down his face, touching your hand. "I didn't mean to hurt you," He said, voice cracking.

"What's your name?" You asked with a weak smile. He smiled back as you wiped the tears away. "I don't know.. I don't really have one.. Just call me Jun I guess,"

"Okay Jun," You said and sat up with his help, the smile not leaving your face. He gave you your kite and stared at you, no words coming from him.

"You grew up well," Jun said and you nod, telling him a 'you too'. His face fell a little. "But I hurt you.."

You punch his shoulder playfully. "I'm fine, at least I'm not dead right?" You assured him. Jun ruffled your hair and suddenly carried you in his arms. "Let's bring you back home now,"

You wrap your arms around his neck.

"We'll meet again right Jun?"




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