Jun and Woozi

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For Zerta1Lyrae

Everyone is there, crying about BTS's comeback... I'm here bleeding and NOT KNOWING WHAT I DID TO DESERVE DOUBLE TORTURE


"Are you meeting him again?" Woozi asked, face buried in your pillow. "He's my boyfriend, what do you expect?" You told him, rolling your eyes.

"But when will you spend time with me? We're living together, but we barely play games and have movie nights again like last time," Woozi complained, leg kicking your bed in frustration.

You fixed your dress and said,"We'll do that soon Woozi. Now I need to go, wish me luck!" You walked off with that. "BAD LUCK!" He shouted to you, making you groan.

Woozi pouted as you walked out, ruffling his hair. He knew that things would be this way when you had a boyfriend and it wasn't as if he hated Jun, your boyfriend.

Jun was actually the best boyfriend he had seen you be with. Woozi knew that it would be just impossible for Jun to hate you, or cheat on you. He met Jun before, and they got quite close.

"It's stupid now that I think of it.." Woozi thought to himself, smiling. He realised that maybe you needed someone to love you, like a significant other. There was no use complaining, Jun won't be a jerk and not let you meet Woozi...

Anyway Jun trusted Woozi to live with you, so he should trust Jun to give you the love you needed from a man,

After minutes of rolling around, Woozi's phone vibrated in the pocket of his shorts. Woozi felt around and finally got it, seeing that he had received a message from Jun.

Woozi lied on his stomach, then opening the message. His eyes widened largely, reading the sentence over and over again. With worry washed all over him, Woozi rushed out of the house with his messy state.

You in the meantime were waiting patiently for Jun in the coffee shop, smiling to yourself in content. Sometimes you would just chuckle softly, remembering Woozi's actions at home. Such a pumpkin.

As minutes pass by, Jun finally arrived. "Hi....I wasn't late right?" Jun said nervously, eyes searching the place. "Nope! Should we order now?" You asked excitedly before standing up.

Jun held your wrist and shook his head slightly. You looked at him weirdly and went back to sit on your seat. "Actually...I need to tell you something,"

Right when he said that, you knew something bad was going to be told. Something that will break your heart.

Jun held your hand tightly, placing them on the table. "No matter what... Please don't get mad," He told you and you nodded, gulping. "I can take it," You reassured him.

"I-..I lost my feelings for you," He told you. You breathed in heavily, trying to keep that smile on your face.

"I honestly loved you (Y/N). I really did.. But I don't know, those feelings disappeared. I can only see you as a friend right now..It's not that I found someone else, I didn't find anyone. But I don't know... It's gone. Just like that, I don't have the will to love you anymore. I'm sorry. And I know you hate people saying this but, let's be friends. You'll find a better man, someone who's not a coward like me.. I promise,"

A smile was craved on Jun's lips, a soft and gentle one. You nodded, pulling your hands back from his. You stayed quiet, not able to say anything.

After some time, you looked at Jun. "Can I please be alone?" You softly told him, voice almost breaking. Jun nodded and stood up. Before leaving, Jun gave you a peck on your cheek. His last kiss for you.

Right after he left, someone appeared in front of you. You looked at that person through your teary eyes. Woozi. Oh.

"Haiiiiii," He said, then shutting his mouth when you glared at him. Woozi gulped as he saw a few tears roll down your cheeks. You kept on nodding your head, still crying though.

From Jun:

Woozi, I might need your help at the coffee shop.. Please make (Y/N) happy when she's crying... Don't leave her hanging.. You're her only hope.. :)

That message kept on playing in his head. So this was what Jun meant... Woozi had been there ever since Jun arrived, sitting two tables away.

"He's right (Y/N). You'll find a better person. Or you can just marry pizza if you want to," Woozi said, shrugging. You laughed while wiping your tears away.

"My makeup is ruined right?" You asked him and he shook his head. "Good then, let's go home Woozi," You told him and Woozi nodded before standing up.

He held your hand and walked out with you. You looked down, but didn't say anything. Woozi was skipping down the road slightly, trying to cheer you up.

Well it did help a lot, seeing the grumpy boy you know jumping around made you laugh and smile. It made Woozi laugh too, seeing YOU all smiley and happy.

The two of you reached your house and Woozi pulled you into your room right after you took of your shoes. He plopped down on your bed, you next.

You looked at him, hair covering your eyes. Woozi pushed your hair out of your face, then smiling happily in satisfaction. "Now you can see my face better," Woozi told you, a laugh escaping your lips once again.

"Thanks bestie," You told him,and Woozi nodded. He sat up all of a sudden and pointed towards your closet. "Okay now get changed! We're going to play games and watch movies till dawn!!" Woozi cheered.

He ran out of the room, telling you that he wanted to make some popcorn. "Oh yeah!" Woozi said, running backwards and into your room again.

Right when you expected him to say something sweet and romantic, he said this.

"Sweet or salted?"



This is what happens when you start listening to Ah Yeah while writing this... It's nonsensical.

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