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For abcdaehyun_


Wonwoo looked at you from the other side of the class, seeing you fondle with the ends of your vest. He looked down at your thin legs, remembering how it used to look like.

He didn't know anything about being aneroxic, he just knew that it was unhealthy. He was sure that you were aneroxic but never approached you about it before.

From the looks, you were really thin. Even if to you it was pretty, he found it extremely disturbing and unhealthy. You used to be so chubby and cute, it always looked like you had this small pieces of fishballs stuck in your cheeks.

No one liked you that way, and you changed for what you called the 'better'. Wonwoo didn't like your interpretation of 'better', he hated it.

Wonwoo shook his head, looking away from your figure. If only he could persuade you to go to a doctor, or even for you to just eat. Wonwoo clenched his jaw, determined to drag you to the cafeteria today.

Once the bell rang, Wonwoo got up and instead of going out to eat, he went towards you and pulled you up. Your eyes widened and you held onto your skirt to avoid it from falling down.

"Wonwoo?" You asked as he dragged you to somewhere, his sudden action scaring you a little. Wonwoo never talked to you before, wait. Screw that.

He used to talk to you. Once you became thinner, Wonwoo didn't do that anymore. His glare he had right now was familiar to you, it was a determined one.

When he got close to the bustling cafeteria, you realised what he was going to do. Wonwoo was going to force you to eat.

"Wonwoo wait!" You shouted, and he stopped. Wonwoo looked behind, not letting go of your wrist. "I need to go to the washroom. My stomach hurts," You lied.

"Yeah, because you didn't eat," He told you and continued to drag you to the cafeteria. "I don't want to eat Wonwoo," You told him, even though it was obvious to him.

"I'm making you (Y/N)," Wonwoo said straightforwardly. You could feel tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Please Wonwoo, I don't want to eat," You told him.

Wonwoo shook his head stubbornly and pulled you into the cafeteria. Everyone was staring at you, and you got more scared. Wonwoo pushed you to sit on a chair, next to his friends.

You looked down, scared to look at the faces around you. "Guys make sure she doesn't go anywhere," Wonwoo said in a commanding voice and walked away.

You started to shudder, biting your bottom lips and curling your toes. "Are you fine?" One of his friends from another class asked, looking down to see your face clearly.

"I don't..I don't want to eat.." You muttered in a wavering voice. He looked down more, until he really was right in front of your face. You glanced at his nametag, then seeing 'Seungcheol'.

Seungcheol wiped your tears away and softly asked,"Why don't you want to eat?" You shook your head, more tears rolling down your cheeks. "I don't want to eat," You said, repeating it again and again.

After a while, someone could be heard placing a tray in front of you. You looked up cowardly, seeing Wonwoo with a tray of various food. Seungcheol got a sandwich for you, and passed it to you.

You shook your head and pointed at the small bottle of milk on the tray. "(Y/N)..." Wonwoo trailed off, voice softer and more gentle than before.

"You need to eat," He told you. You too the sandwich from Seungcheol and unwrapped it. It felt like everyone had their eyes on you, and you couldn't stop your hands from shaking.

You looked in between the pieces of bread, then pulling the ham out. "(Y/N),just eat!" Wonwoo almost shouted, scaring you. He took the sandwich from you and placed the piece of ham in it again.

He passed it to you harshly, making you take it while cowering. "Wonwoo don't go too harsh on her," Another guy said and you looked up to see another guy, having a light shade of brown on his hair. 'Seungkwan'.

You looked hopefully at Seungkwan, pleading him to stop Wonwoo. But he just looked away and continued eating. You peeled the corners off the bread and chewed on it, or maybe nibbled.

"(Y/N)..." Wonwoo trailed off again, this time a little more threateningly. You looked up in fury, then stuffing your face quickly with more tears gathering at your eyes.

Wonwoo looked at you with widened eyes, leaning forward. You chewed on the bread and forced it down your throat. Even Seungcheol looked at you, shocked.

You swallowed it and looked at Wonwoo in his eyes, wanting to make him feel more guilty. You knew what was coming next, and it would just make him feel worse.

You started to gag, losing your breath. You stood up, feeling all the food coming up your throat. You still looked at Wonwoo and he stood up with you.

Turning around, you ran to the nearest toilet, your weak legs barely helping you. Wonwoo ran behind you, shouting your name. You ignored him and entered the nearest toilet.

You immediately let everything out, holding your own hair back. Wonwoo knocked on the door, still shouting your name. You cleaned yourself and glared at the door, then going out.

Wonwoo looked at you glaring at him from your petite frame. You walked away from him without saying anything. All of a sudden, someone hugged you from the back.

Your eyes widened when you heard the familiar voice. "I'm sorry," Wonwoo whispered. You tried pulling away, but failed from doing so.

He turned you around and hugged you tightly, burying his face at the crook of your neck. "I thought that I would lose you if you didn't eat. I don't want that to happen.." Wonwoo said, voice cracking.

You pulled away from him, and Wonwoo placed his hands on your cheeks. "I'm sorry too... I never thought someone.. cared," You said in disbelief.

"I always did (Y/N)," Wonwoo told you and smiled, making you grin too. "Please go back to the way you were.. I can't stand seeing you so fragile, like you could fly away with the wind someday,"

You nodded and Wonwoo sighed in relief, before pulling you into another hug.


Requester asked for sad, I did shitty. Heheu, sorry......

And.... being aneroxic is not fun, or beautiful. Love yourself guys! You're all beautiful the way you are. Is anyone hates you, shove some Mints into your mouth and make sure your middle finger gets a boner ;)

LIKE EXCUJEE ME, I'm a tic tac candy. And I live on Min Yoongi's head.

(Lol i only had 3 scenarios done heheheheh. I'll go bury myself now)

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