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For vernonified

Half credits to marktothejinyoung

I gave her half of the credits since she sent in the introduction of this request which she wanted to write for her best friend, vernonified. You guys can do the same, just send in an intro with 50-100 words for your request!

--> * <-- This shows where I start writing


"Stop it! It's not funny. It never was!!"

Everyone froze at the sight of Seungkwan, the school's outcast, bursting out. You stared at his watery eyes and surprisingly, you felt yourself being scared of him.

Seungkwan, instead of looking like the scared bully victim, he looked like a beast with his chest puffing in and out. He roughly took the spit balls off himself and threw them harshly on the floor.

As he inched forward to you, you stepped back. You grinned awkwardly and ended up against your own desk as your knuckles turned white from your tight grip on it.


You shrunk when Seungkwan hovered over you. Never had you once thought that he was bigger and taller than you. Seungkwan leaned in, one hand crushing a piece of paper on your desk.

He took it and threw it on your school uniform. Seungkwan pulled away and glared at you. "I hope you get that you're a piece of trash. You don't even deserve a spot in this school,"

It hit you right in the heart when he said that, but you stayed silent and didn't give him any reaction. Seungkwan clenched his jaw, walking out of the room with his fists curled up.

Someone was heard hitting a locker near the classroom and you flinched. Everyone was looking at you, expecting you to go and confront Seungkwan. But how were you going to? That was beyond impossible. He hated you.

And it wasn't as if you didn't know, but you always denied that fact. You never thought that he would show how much he hated you. Maybe he would, but not this way. Not in a way where he....

You walked put with you head down, not even sure where you were going. Even though you weren't really the 'good girl' kind of type, you never skipped classes. Seungkwan did. It was the only way he could be far from you.

Walking up the stairs, you huffed and blew out some air. Maybe you were going to the rooftop, you weren't sure. Never ever once in your (thug) life had you come up to the rooftop.

When you pushed the door open, you heard someone groan. You quickly apologied, half startled from the fact that someone was actually up there.

"Ugh," That person repeated loudly, and you could easily recognise that voice. You peeked in and saw Seungkwan. He wasn't alone, he was with this girl who was always with him.

"Make way people," You changed your voice into a menacing one. Seungkwan and the girl moved away but you couldn't help glancing at Seungkwan's mad expression.

You walked to the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the busy city. It wasn't pretty like you expected and the air wasn't fresh. So much of having your expectations high.

But there was nothing you could do, it's not as if you could turn around and Seungkwan will say, "Hey! Wanna join in our nerdy conversation?"

You yourself didn't know why you just had to make fun of Seungkwan. There wasn't anything better you could do. Anyway, you had to live up to the name of the school bully.

"Isn't that the girl who always disturbed you?" You heard the girl ask. Seungkwan answered and it was obvious that he wanted you to hear that. "Yeah, but she's just some useless trash. Useless."

The door to the rooftop could be heard squeaking open and close and you thought that Seungkwan must've left. You took it as your chance to let out everything that you kept bottled up inside.

Some tears went trickling down your cheek and you wiped them away with your thumb. More tears rolled down, and you felt like cursing out loud at the thought of Seungkwan's words.

They actually hurt you very badly. It all sounded impossible to you, that the school's outcast actually made you cry. "Stupid tears. Stupid just like me," You mumbled.

Someone suddenly appeared next to you, leaning against the railing at the same position like you. You looked to your right and saw Seungkwan, looking at you.

You quickly looked back in front and wiped away the stubborn tears. "Stupid stupid stupid," You mumbled, eyes hurting. This was the first time you cried so hard to the point of sobbing.

"Just cry and stop talking will you," Seungkwan spoke up, taking you by surprise. You just realised that he had a very smooth and silky voice, unlike most of the guys in your class.

His statement made you laugh once you realised what you did. Seungkwan laughed too and you snapped,"What are you laughing at?"

Seungkwan smiled and shook his head, looking down. He actually smiled at you. Like at YOU. "If you want to be friends, I'm fine with it you know. I'm not that selfish,"

You looked at him and asked,"Why would you be fine? You called me useless trash before this." Seungkwan cringed at the reminder. "Well if you don't want to be friends then fine," He said before walking off.

"Wait! I want to be friends with you.." You trailed off, every syllable softer than the one before it. Seungkwan smiled and nodded. "See? It's easy to make friends!" He said cheerfully.

He made you smile and you put your hand out awkwardly. "So are you my friend now?" You asked, signalling to your hand. Seungkwan took it and shook it slightly.

"We can be more if you want to.. but we have to wait first," He said boldly.



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