Chapter 15 - An Understanding Friend.

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"where is Zayn?!" i asked Niall who's currently worrying with all the boys about something. their faces looked so concerned.

"he's been in his room for days, i'm afraid if he won't come out, we have to stop the tour." Liam explained. i could hear Louis sighed heavily.

"well, do something!" Cindy yelled pointing to Zayn's bedroom. we stayed in a flat in Rosemont, United States right now. it's been a long journey.

ever since i rejected Zayn's so called love to me, he's been acting weird and i barely seen him. we actually completed the Australian Tour, but Zayn can't do it great. even the fans are confused. rumors had been going on and on about Zayn wanting to leave the band. of course the fans would think that. Zayn updated his tweet like "need a break from all of this" like a while ago, which made Liam so pissed off. i mean, we all have problems. but, he shouldn't make people know about the problems. we do have lots of private accounts but why did Zayn updated on his main twitter. this doesn't make any sense.

i don't even know if i love him anymore. i'm just so confused. after what he did to me, every single harsh word he said about me, and to my face, it hurts. so bad. i never wanted to hear those words anymore. but all of a sudden, he came to me, saying he loves me. gaaahh i'm just so confused.

"he didn't even wanted to open the door!" Louis yelled back at Cindy. she walked to the couch and sat on it.

"and Zayn barely eat anything for the past few weeks. he only came out to drink and take some chips and then he went back to his room" Harry explained. i shook my head lightly showing everyone that i'm so confused on what to do.

"Abby, did you do something to him?" Kendall asked straight to me.

"what? i didn't do anything." i said looking down.

"then go inside and talk to him." Louis said to me. everyone starts looking at Louis confusedly, like they knew something was up. i stood up and sighed, walking to his front door. because i know i have to do something. he's been really weird lately. maybe i should give it a try.

i knock on his door and there's no answer.

"he won't listen." i said.

"say something!" Niall raised his voice. i groaned, taking a deep breath.

"Zayn, it's me Abby. open up." i said knocking Zayn's room door. still no answer. i shrugged and everyone was confused. they all moved and sat on the couch in the living room. but i'm still in front of Zayn's room door. few seconds later, i heard a creak from his door, my head that looked down suddenly looked to the front and there's Zayn in there, looking like a hot mess.

without further ado, i walked into his room and Zayn closed the door. when he's closing the door i saw Niall mouthed "be nice" to me, and i nodded a little.

Zayn walked into the balcony of his room with me following him, there's bottles of beer everywhere. he sat on the bench and took a cigarette out from his pocket and starts smoking. what?

"Zayn what are you doing?" i asked. there's no answer from him. i sit on the same bench as him but i keep my distance.

"why are you being like this?" i asked once more, taking his hand and then hold it for a moment, but there's no reaction.

"stop smoking!" i grabbed the cigarette from his hands and threw it to the floor angrily. then i stepped on it to put it out. Zayn looked at me.

"stop acting like you care about me. no one in this world cared about me." Zayn said.

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