Chapter 28 - Oh Really?

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it's super hot in here in LA! i just wanted to go to the beach and have some fun, get some tanning to my skin and just see hot guys out there. luckily the girls are here now so i could go out with them. Cindy asked us to go out to the beach this morning. just four of us girls. we barely spent time together ever since we got here. it's always been with boyfriends and all that.

Edward called me last night, he said that he was sorry about the fight we had that morning. and i forgive him. the main reason that i was mad at him was that i just woke up that time, and then all of a sudden, he told me that he was leaving me to Chicago for 3 weeks. who won't be mad hearing that terrible news when you just woke up?

so yeah, we're okay now.

i was just being out of line, really. it's not me.

we're having this open relationship thing, and i shouldn't be worrying about what Edward will do out there. he said that his boss needed him. but he owns a bar. i have no idea of what he's doing in Chicago. everytime i tried to discuss about it, he just skipped it to another topic. should i be curious about that? well, maybe. but like i said, we're in an open relationship.

i put all of my stuffs that i need to the beach. i put my black bikini and then a cropped top over it, i put on denim shorts and flip flops. i tied my hair into a bun, and put some waterproof makeup.

i walked downstairs to meet the girls. they're already there.

"ready to go?" Kendall asked smiling.

"yep! let's have fun!" i screamed. the girls laughed and we walked to my Lambo. i sat on the driver's seat, Kendall was on the passenger seat, Cindy and Abby are on the back seat. we throw all of our belongings on the back and then i started the car to drive to the beach.


Beach, 1:50 PM

"the sun is so bright!" Cindy said as she covered her eyes with her hand.

"i just LOVE LA so much." Kendall said as she rolled out the mat on the sand. she sat down and started to put on her sunscreen.

"we finally could spend time together. i miss you girls." i said putting my sunscreen on.

"i know, i'm sorry that i have been spending so much time with Harry." Kendall apologizing. "you know that he's full of surprise. he didn't make plans before he do something... so.."

"it's fine. typical Harry." Abigail said.

"what about you and Zayn, though? are you guys okay?" i asked Abby.

"yeah we're totally fine. all this time i've waited for the answer and it finally came. he's been a great boyfriend." Abby smiled. we are all awwing her.

"looks like it's me and Cindy who remained single."

"whoa slow down, what about Edward?" Cindy asked drinking her mineral water from the water bottle.

"he's great but we're not really dating. we're in an open relationship, kind of thing." i raised my eyebrows.

"do you really trust him by that? open relationship isn't the thing to play, Harmony. it's serious." Abby said putting her sunglassess on his head.

"to be honest, i don't really trust him that much. even now i'm still wondering on what is he doing in Chicago. is he meeting another girl or whatever he's doing, i don't know." i shook my head in confusion.

"and what about Niall? i heard you sing a song with him yesterday in your room." Kendall smirked at me, making Cindy and Abby gasped, they paid more attention to me. "i can't help but eavesdropping."

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