Inside a dream

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(Dippers pov)
This was the end of the movie , Mabel had gotten up and taken the empty bowl she had into the kitchen , once she was back she noticed (f/n) sleeping on my lap and she smiled really big, my face was tomato red still and the lights were on , I knew what that face Mabel was now making meant.

" dipper " she said in a slow and teasing way making me groan abit under my breath knowing what comes next.

" do you llliiiikkkkeee (f/n)?" She put emphasis on the like part but said everything low enough so (f/n) wouldn't wake up. I groan blushing more so then I already was , she gasped and started making a strange " eeeeeeppppppp" squeaky sound still being careful.

" you do don't you dipper ! You should ask her on a date ! Come on bro bro what are you waiting for?" She started to jump lightly in place being too giddy to care what my feelings were at the moment. My face was bright red, I rubbed my arm lightly thinking of what to say.

" w-what no Mabel , I-it's not like that at all ! She just fell asleep and fell on my lap." I managed to spit out, Mabel wasn't having any of it though. She knew me better then anyone in the world and she knew most of that was a lie. I have to admit... (F/n) was kind of cute.. And she did like mysteries... And I guess I do kind of like her... Ok , maybe a lot like her.

" do it bro bro , ask her out in the morning " she squealed abit more before smiling big and wide.
" but first you should probably get her to bed. We still have some popcorn left, want to watch another movie ?" I nodded at Mabel's request.

" yeah sure, let me take her upstairs then we can go back to watching another one. " I said slowly picking up (f/n) and carrying her before standing up. I took her upstairs and set her down in her corner of the room on top of her bed and left her to sleep. Going back down to see Mabel had already picked out another movie I sat down in my spot again while placing the popcorn bowl on my lap and taking a hand full to eat.

(Bill's pov)

Finally, he's left her alone. It's time to meet (f/n) in her dreams. I would have smirked had I not still been a triangular mass of a god. I went into (f/n)'s mind and roamed around for a bit opening doors to see what was inside them closing her strange memories. It wasn't long before I found (f/n) herself in the long halls. She was sitting under a tree resting her eyes. How could someone sleep even in their own mind, I had never seen this happen before it was strange at the least.

" (f/n) I'm here for our little meeting" I said as I woke her from her restfulness, her eyes opened slowly to look at me.

" uh?... What are you doing here. Isn't this a dream?" She would say. She's very observant isn't she, she noticed right away that it was a dream, however I wasn't.

" kind of, we're in your mind dear. I'm real, but this place is all in your head. Nice place you got here by the way" I said looking down at her.

" oh.. Wait, if this is my mind... Why are you here?" She asked curious.

" I'm a dream demon , why wouldn't I be here." I raised my brow in curiosity.

" right, right. What do you want then?"

" as I said, i would be back tonight. It just so happens that time is now. Let's strike up alittle deal then shall we? How's about something simple?" Yes, this is the way. I'll do something simple to gain her trust and then I'll make her get me the journal... Besides, I can't have pine tree taking her away from my grasp while she's so close.

" what.. Kind of deal? I already said in not getting you dippers journal, it's his not .. Y-yours." She said slightly stepping back as I stare down at her.

" not the journal, how's about this. Make me a letter. That's it. That's what I want this time." I say, yes , a simple hand written letter will do for now, simple things like that will gain her trust right?

" a-a... Letter?.. Like pen and paper letter?" She looked confused.

" yes. A letter. Anything you want it to be about doesn't matter. Just a letter" I say rolling my eye.

" and ... That's it? Just a letter and you give me something I want." She said as she thought on it.

" a letter for something you want yes, do we have a deal or not? " I put out my hand with a blue flame surrounding it.

".... Just ..  A letter then... " she looked around before looking at my hand. " ... Ok I guess..." She slowly took my hand "d-deal then." And shook it.

" alright doll face , I'll be back tomorrow for that letter , better make it quick " I left her with a slightly scared and confused look on her face before leaving her mind then the room she was in.

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