A new toy

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(A/N) - just a quick note. I actually did draw the picture for this chapter. It's on my tumblr and my Twitter yamx-cosplays / YamxGrimLord on Twitter and tumblr also theallmightgrimlordyamx is my art tumblr. Have a great time with the story. p.s thanks for all the reads !
(Your pov)

" Hey kid, you got the book right? " you could tell he was smirking again from the way his bow tie seemed to curve and his eye had a strange bend.

" hand it over kid" he extended his hand out toward you as you slowly took the yellow book out of your pocket. Before you could even place the book into his hand he snatched the book for you. His maniacal laughter filled the air making you cower in fear of what you just did. You were watching in utter terror as he looked at the cover with what you could only figure to be joyful insanity.

" haHAhaHA! Thanks kid you did great But deals off! " he held the book seeming to read the cover.

"Lqwhu glphqvlrqdo errn ri vshoov" he read aloud the covers gibberish.

/(A/n)- if your into gravity falls hard core find the code three letters back./

You were rattled to the bone, Bill was now opening the book to one specific page like he knew all along what he was going to do. His laughter got louder in your ears before it was replaced by his voice chanting some nonsense while he glowed bright yellow. His wheel appeared behind him seeming to power him even more then he already was.

/(a/n)- backwards talk for a sec /

"! Deen I tahw si ydob namuh a seye dna riah senob dna hself "  he canted that nonsense three times before he was engulfed by a bright yellow light which started to shift and change his form. In a blink of an eye the yellow light froze seeming to crack then shatter like a rock hitting painted glass. The shards disappeared but in place of bill was a human.

Yellow blonde long hair in a side swept ponytail, his eye was a deep brown almost black color and the other one was hidden under a triangle shaped eye patch. His skin was tinted a pail yellowish but was fair white at the same time. He wore a suit, not any suit however. it looked as though he had this suit custom made only it was apart of him in some way. Black dress pants along with dress shoes and a yellow brick patterned tail coat with matching vest underneath . The bow tie was still there along with his top hat and he was now holding his cane with the most sinister smile you had ever seen. This made you shutter in your boots. You not only betrayed dipper , put Mabel in danger .. But you also gave Bill a human form and possibly even more power then he already had by handing him that book.

Your eyes were as wide as saucers as he floated down to the ground infront of you while pretending to walk. He gripped your cheeks in his free hand and raised your face to were your eyes locked in a terrifying tango. His smile grew, not only that but you could physically see the gears turning in his brain. This was now your greatest mistake, the biggest and most dangerous of them all. Your life was now meaningless and you had just released an all powerful dream demon into reality.. Or so you thought.

" Your MINE now kid. Your going to do what I say from now on got it? " his eyes peering into your very soul as his voice was sent ringing in your ears. You shiver at the thought of how much of a fool you were for handing that book over to him, you should have stayed home today and you knew it or at the least listened to dipper when he said he'd fix things.

Bills face contorted into a frown before pushing you to the ground by the face.

" Stop your shaking, it's flattering but I can't have you fearing me when I'm so close to getting the journal. " his smile returned twisting into a sicking grin. You were speechless and frozen with fear. You rubbed at your back were you fell not even bothering to look him in the eyes. This seemed to anger him. Not only were you not responding to him , you weren't looking at him ether. He gripped your face again and forced you to look up at him once more.

" Look at me when I'm talking (F/N) " his voice turned aggressive as your name slipped off his tongue. You knew this would only get worse if you didn't reply, it took all of your bravery to speak.

" Y-Yes... B-Bill.." You voice quivered as you spoke in a quiet and shaky tone. Bill grins once again seeming to enjoy the fact you were now speaking to him once again. His eyes trailed down to notice your sweater... hIs sweater. His grin turned frightening once again before he forcefully let go of your cheeks and stood up straight.

" Get up. We have things to do. I'm sure Pine tree would love to see this " his laughter of joy and pure insanity filled the air once again as you weakly stood up from your place on the dirt while he stared down at you.

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