Six finger help

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(Grunkle ford) /yessssss the author of the journals... MY BROTHER!/
I just got back home after a long trip up north. Opening the front door I saw Mabel sitting alone infront of the tv. Where in dimensions name Is dipper?

" Mabel, where is dipper?" I was clearly confused. Dipper would almost never leave on a hunt without her and if he wasn't on a hunt then he would be here. This isn't like him ... It's strange.

" dipper went on a date with (f/n) Grunkle ford." Who in blazes is (f/n)???

" who's that?"

" (f/n) is living with us for a while remember, Grunkle Stan told you about it a while ago and stuff. She's been living with us for a little while now. " Mabel shoot out answers while mindlessly watching the tv.

" oh. Right, and where is Stan?"

" he went to sleep. I'm staying up so I can get all the details from dip when they get back." She turned and smiled wide. She's always cheery isn't she. Well'p guess that's better then my only niece being down and what not. I shrugged it off and headed to my lab taking the elevator behind the candy machine after inputting the code.

It couldn't have been more then an hour or so since I got here when I heard a slight beeping noise coming from my adventuring bag. It couldn't be... Could it. 

Quickly I pulled out the keychain, I had given the same one to dipper some time ago Incase he ever needed help when we were apart. This can't be.. This means something went wrong. It's not easy pressing the button to activate the signal. This must be serious... Dipper could handle himself but now he's calling for my help, thank goodness I came back today instead of staying another night or something could have happened to dipper.

I ran as fast as I could fallowing the tracker in the keychain to where dipper may have been. It lead me to the hill I took dipper to once, only.. There I saw something insanely dangerous.

Bill had what seemed to be a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair , (e/c) eyes in a (f/c) dress hanging in his arms floating above the ground. This was the first thing I had spotted. Then I realized dipper was coughing barely able to stand himself up while holding onto a tree.

" what in blazes is happening ! Dipper are you ok?!?" I rush over to him and help him steady himself , it looked like he had been thrashed about a million time . What the hell happened !

" (f/...n) ... Bill has her... He put a binding on her.. " he coughed up what looked like blood into his hand. He's internally bleeding but he still wants to save that girl?!? What is going on in his mind!

" dipper we have to leave , your not well right now we have to leave !"

" NO! " he screamed finishing with violent coughs.

" I.. I have to save her Grunkle ford. I have to... " his eyes filled with tears as I looked into them.

" I love her..." I watched for a moment as his tears ran down his cheeks like rivers. My heart sank.. If he loves her so much he would risk his life for her.. I don't think he'd want to live if we left her now...

" alright ... We can try... Can you stand?" As soon as I asked like some miracle , he found the strength to stand on his own once more. He was wabblely but still he looked determined as ever. I had never in my days witnessed this side of dipper.

" Ol'sixer Your back from your trip Hhm! Ya missed me ?" Bill laughed , that evil basterd. He must have planned this. I couldn't tell but it seemed like the girl..(f/n) was crying in his arms.

" let her go Bill, it's not her you want . It's revenge on me . Leave the kids out of it !" I yelled.

" oh but that's where your wrong sixer. I DO what her. She's going to be mine forever once I figure out how to make her immortal , I'll have her for the end of time !" He began to laugh louder and so did his grip on the girl. She yelped , I guess his grip was too tight now.

" fine. Then you leave me no choice." I reached into my trench coat, placing my hand onto the cold metal handle of my gun. Yes, for now... As long as I can shoot straight at (f/n) it'll be just fine. I know I loaded it with blanks so it shouldn't hurt her... Much.. But it won't kill her. I just need bill to think she's dead for a while .. Or at least so we can escape.

I point the gun at them in the air , Bill looked like something what's wrong.

" I'll shoot Bill , don't try anything " I curled my finger onto the trigger.

" don't you dare !" His eye widened in anger, I can't wait another second I pulled the trigger.

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