The truth is gold

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(Bipper pov)

Maybe I could some how open a rift.. No no.. It's alittle too soon for that. I need ol'six fingers to come back from his little trip for that.. There has to be another way to get a physical form so I can take her away from pine tree... And make her immortal so she'll be under my power for good. I was deep in thought and my vessel acted on its own as it spoon fed her a bit of the dessert. I wanted to try it and wasn't paying much attention and ended up using the same spoon to feed myself, I could feel my face heating up at the realization I had just put her 'germs' In my mouth.

It isn't such a big deal however , right? Humans do this all the time when they're on a " date" right? No use in thinking about it , I'm already past the point of no return. My heart sped up a bit in that thought but only for a moment. I recalled placing her under my control.. Yes.. The sweater was the object I made her chains with.. But the chains will forever be over her heart now.. Although... That WAS my favorite sweater. I'll have to get that back later. For now , let's just focus. I glanced over at pine tree's lightly fading form before giving a small laugh to which she responded nicely laughing back.

Yes.. I can't let pine tree die just yet, but this is going so well..... Hm.. I need to speed things up. I think I'll make that waiter pay for our meal instead .. That would make things easier and I could take (f/n) into the forest for the rest of my plan faster. Yes... Just a snap of my fingers and poof. The instant fake memory of him owing me payment of a meal will be there. Just as planned the waiter had come back with the check, I lightly snapped my fingers under the table and with that I had set the wheels in motion.

" here's the chec- wait, what am I doing ." He chuckled lightly." I completely forgot that I offered to pay for your meal this time. Don't worry about the check dip' I got this one. again, thanks for that one time" he smiled lightly before leaving with the check in his hand.

Humans are so easily manipulated... Even more so when you tamper with their mind. I smile slightly, yes.. Even though we haven't finished dessert I can tell (f/n) is abit full. Now I should take her to the forest. Humans can't run on a full stomach can they? No.. They get sick don't they.. Yes.. This is perfect.

" hey, I want to show you something before we go home ok?" I smile giving her a false sense of happiness.

" sure , why not ?" She started to sit up but I jumped up and helped her out of her seat before she knew it. I lead her outside and to the cart before letting her have a seat. Yes.. Driving ... I'm driving again.. I want to have more fun with this but I can't. Not tonight. She'll need to be immortalized if I were to. But even so... I sat down and started to drive. Yes, I'll drive her just to the edge of the forest then take her up to that hill side.. The one with the " magical" view of gravity falls. Yes.. That will be a perfect place to reveal myself. Pine tree was weakly fallowing us as I drove. I stopped a few feet away from the hill side and helped (f/n) walk up to the top.

" I love this place . It's my number one favorite place on earth to be honest" I let out a small chuckle as I looked up at the bright moon shining down on us.

" really? " she smiled slightly looking at me.

" yeah" I chuckled once again lightly rubbing at the back of my hair.

" can I ask why ?" Her asking that question made me smile... My smiled turned into a grin.. Then widened ..I was looking at the ground but slowly picked my head up to look down on her.

" because it's the place where I take you away forever" I began to laugh more like myself and with every second she started to shiver more looking up at me with those eyes.. Yes. Those fearful eyes. I had to hold myself close as I laughed even harder at her expression before finally revealing my true self. I released myself from pine trees vessel and it dropped almost dead to the ground mid laugh.

(Bill pov)

I was back, it felt strange but the feelings were still there eating away at my mind slowly. I laughed less and less as I realized what I was doing to her. She was nothing more then a shivering mess under me curled up into a ball.. Her dress.. It's getting dirty from the slightly damp soil. I paused and forcefully made her stand up gripping her arm and tugging her to her feet.

" don't dirty your dress (f/n) you look beautiful in it" I smirk slightly.

" d-don't tell me.. It.. It was you this whole time." She had tears in her eyes, it made me sick. Was she really hoping to date pine tree and not me. I can't have pine tree getting what he wants and I will NOT let him have her.

" yes, it was . See I told you I wouldn't harm you " I carefully rub the tears away from her face and held her close to me. Yes.. Feel safe in my arms , for anywhere else you will be dead. I couldn't stop myself from grinning wide as I heard the slight sound of gasping for air.

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