Cheese cake

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( your pov)

You found it funny that dipper was acting this way. It was like he never even seen breadsticks before. he was acting so proper too, it was like some kind of dream. Though you knew it was probably just his nerves getting to him.

" your dinner is served" the waiter had already come back in the minutes that you were laughing at dippers cute yet strange actions. The waiter placed your food in front of you , it looked amazing but do did dippers lobster tail dinner, not even a full second after placing the plates your drinks were placed at their sides. Dippers coffee looked to be at boiling temperature, yet he watched the coffee so closely.

" will that be all?" The waiter looks at dipper with one eye closed nose still I the air. Dipper was about to speak but paused for a moment.

" yes, I want dessert..." He glanced over the deserts for a moment before he continued. " once slice of cheese cake. Two spoons and lots of whipped cream." He paused once more " put a cherry on top." He eyed the waiter for a moment before looking back at his plate. The waiter rolled his eyes only for a second while leaving the table.

" are we sharing one?" You asked abit confused as to why dipper would want to share a cheese cake with you.

" yeah.. Uh.. Do you not want to?" He 'awkwardly' laughed. " I thought it would be nice if we did.. You know, like in those shows ?" His face looked abit red as he spoke , you nodded blushing slightly as you began spooning a bite of food into your mouth. It was amazing, all the flavors were great , and they had cooked your favorite food just like you loved it.

Your attention was drawn to dipper as he golpped down the steaming hot coffee in one go seeming to enjoy it alittle too much.

" wasn't that still hot?" You were worried , you knew you saw the steam coming out from the coffee just a second ago and now he had golpped it all down ? Wasn't his throat on fire? Was he ok? Did he have to go to the hospital??

It took him a moment of coughing into his hand to reply but he did so slightly raspy going back to its "smooth" normal sound.

" Yeah, I was training for a while to withstand really hot temperatures." He smiled " why do you think I always wear my vest?" He was right.. He did wear that vest everyday .. And sometimes the weather does get to the point of people physically melting... You thought about it for a moment , it was probably some kind of monster hunting training you had never heard of before.. Just as you were thinking you saw something strange.. It was only for a second but you could have sworn you saw dipper in his normal clothes and messy hair sitting right next to the dipper you were on a date with. You shook your head trying to get things straight.

" are you alright (f/n)?" Dipper looked abit worried so you nodded while giving him a warm smile.

" I'm fine, just saw something weird for a second. Must be my mind acting up." You chuckled.

" what did you see? Is it a ghost?" Dipper looked more worried, and reached over to hold your hand.

" I-it's nothing really, I just thought I saw two of you for a second. Don't worry " you smiled trying to reassure him.. Though something was telling you it wasn't helping. Dipper seemed to calm down as he let go of your hand and got comfortable in his chair to eat once more.

" if you say so. But (f/n)... If you ever see something like that again tell me." Dipper spoke in a very serious tone it was almost scary if it wasn't for the whole being on a date idea.

You both are in silence, you didn't finish your whole meal but dipper had no problem devouring the lobster tail with a side of mashed potatoes and his coffee. You were kinda questioning the whole idea of how he could eat all of that but then you remember how much food teenage boys eat... God.. That's a lot.

Before you knew it the waiter had come with the cheese cake dipper had ordered for you both. It looked amazing. The whipper cream on top with a cherry on the very middle and the two spoons on ether side was just pleasing to the eye. As you looked at the cake you were thankful that you did save room for dessert , it was more appetizing then you thought it would be.

Dipper picked up a spoon and took a bit of the cake onto it before lifting it to your level. You looked at his actions confused till he lightly came forward with it. You opened your mouth alittle and he inserted the spoon ,the flavor was heavily. By far the best cheese cake you had in your whole life... Then again.. You may have been over dramatic because your 'boyfriend' had just spoon fed it to you.. But by goodness it was amazing. Your heart was racing and dipper smiled warmly letting you savor the cheese cake as he lead the spoon out of your mouth. Upon releasing the utensil from your mouth, he took another spoon full of the cake and inserted it into his own mouth taking in his bite of it. 

Hope you all like this chapter. Just so everyone knows I may be ending this fic soon. Not to go fast or anything just that I was thinking on how it should end and I think it would be perfect if it ended with what I'm thinking. But till then you still got a couple ... Like 10?. Maybe less chapters to go? Lmao . I have no clue. But it's still a ways to go till this one ends.

Also , just a note. The picture for this chapter was drawn by me. If you want fallow me on my art tumblr :

And my Twitter : yamx-cosplays / YamxGrimLord

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