Mission improbable

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(Your pov)

You woke up to Mabel shaking you. Your eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the rooms light.

" come on (f/n) we Gatta go before dipper wakes up" she was already dressed and ready to leave, you nodded quickly getting up to get ready. Once you were all set to go you reached under your pillow for the key. Glancing over at the sleeping dipper before making your way downstairs to Mabel's side.

" I'm all set Mabel. "

" you got your sweater then too?" She eyed you before she took note of the bright yellow sweater you wore.

" good. It's kinda cold today." As usual Mabel was already wearing a ridiculous sweater , only this time it had a printed owl on the front. You nodded in agreement, it was a bit chilly today even though you were still in the shack you could feel the breeze coming in through the cracks in the walls.

" ok, let's get this done so we can get the key back were it belongs before dipper figures it out." Your voice was alittle worried sounding. Mabel didn't respond right away as she scribbled on a piece of paper with a sparkly gel pen.

" I'm just ganna leave a note saying that we went for a walk in town and maybe shopping. Dipper gets all awkward when it comes to shopping so he won't question it too much." She smiled while giving a thumbs up. She left the note on the table in the living room before pulling you out the door.

" I hope your right.. I really don't want dipper to find out.. " you muttered under your breath just loud enough for Mabel to caught it.

" don't worry, I won't let that happen... Let's just go get that book and be back before lunch" she smiled brightly her braces shining abit in the light of the morning sun.

" ok " you sighed abit walking along side Mabel down the main road to town.

On the way to the library you noticed an odd feeling of being watched, it made the hairs at the back of your neck stand on end. You know who it probably was too.. Bill .. Bill cipher was probably watching you right now as you walked through the woods toward twin with Mabel. You stuck close to her though, so you wouldn't be left alone with your thoughts.

" are you ok?" Mabel noticed you were pretty close to her and looking like something was off.

" I.. It's just.. " you looked around the area you both were walking in, the dead never bothered you but now it was like they were looking straight at you. At first there was just one. Then three.. Then five.. Now there were about twelve that you could see as you both made your way closer and closer to the town. Mabel looked worriedly at you placing a hand on your shoulder.

" tell me what's wrong" you gave out a small scared sigh before looking at her as you came to a stop just before going onto the side walk of the town.

"I... I don't feel comfortable.. With the dead now... I feel like I'm being watched .. And they just.. They're not helping. They're everywhere " she shivered at the thought. Mabel hugged you close.

" don't worry (f/n) we'll get through this, all we have to do is get the book for bill and then put the key back in the journal. Your probably over thinking things because your so worried about the deal." She started walking again after she let you go. You fallowed quickly just behind her.

' maybe she really is right.. I'm just over thinking things I know it. If Bill was watching he'd show himself right?... Maybe not..' You thought.

You both finally arrived at the library, you headed inside and followed what Bill told you. Straight to the back find a greed book with gold. In fact, there was only one book that fit that description in the shelves that lined the back of the room. It had no title or any clue as to what it was. The pages were totally blank as well. Behind that book was a small keyhole to which you inserted the key from your pocket into it. Something clicked opening a secret compartment in the bookshelf. The exact part where the keyhole was extended outward to reveal a strange looking yellow book with black gibberish written on it. Least that's what you thought it was.

After obtaining the book you quickly hid it under your sweater so no one would see it. Mabel and you exited the library after placing the compartment back where it used to be along with the green book. You had the key and the yellow book with you now , you almost instantly felt better about today. The faster you got the key back to dipper the better things would be. You sighed while fallowing Mabel retracing your steps back to the shack.

" Well'p we got the book (f/n) now all we Gatta do is get dip to loosen his grip on the journal and we're home free" Mabel smiled brightly trying to make you feel better. The truth was it was working, her smile made you feel warm inside like everything was going to be ok.

Once inside you both noticed dipper seated at on the couch eating chips from a bag on his chest while just laying about watching some random tv show in the living room. You were abit worried but you tried not to show it.

" hey, he doesn't have his best on. He probably left it upstairs with the journal. You should go put the key back before he gets up" Mabel whispered into your ear before yelling " Hey BRO BRO whatcha doin? " with that Mabel was off to distract the lazy dipstick while you almost ran upstairs holding the yellow book and key in your sweater.

Once you were alone in the bedroom you quickly located dippers vest along with the journal. To your surprise mabel was right and he did leave the journal in his vest pocket this time. You quickly opened it rushing so you wouldn't get caught. You found the page the key was on because you remembered the hand drawn pictures. You quickly scrapped off the tape that held the key to the book trying to not rip the page in the process and placed the key back. You took special care to put everything back were it was. EXACTLY. Were it was.

You were still really nervous you would get caught so you took the yellow book out of your sweater and stuffed it into the bottom side of your pillowcase and ran downstairs as fast as you could. Your heart was racing from the adrenaline rush you got from being on thin ice. You knew that if dipper found out... It would be even worse then the other two times.. And that if he did... Bill would probably get you even worse. You betrayed dipper, not only that but you pulled his sister along into this mess... If he finds out.. That will be the end of it all.

Gods eye, Ghostly sight/ Bill cipher X reader/Where stories live. Discover now