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I'm not sure how I am, quite honestly. I go to school, pretend to love Ashley, I go to training, and wish it was Effy. Despite Effy coming into my room some nights, kissing me, falling asleep... it's not the same. It almost hurts.

"I'm going to break up with Ashley." Dylan and I have gotten better and him and Kiara seem to really be together... like... for real this time.

"Didn't you try that already?" The hallways were busy today.

"Yes, but this time I'm not taking no for an answer. Yesterday when I came home from training she was ironing my socks... my fucking socks."

"You're living in a Disney channel crazy bitch girlfriend dream."

"That I need to get out of." It's been weeks since Ashley denied my want to break up, but I can't take it anymore. I want to be with Effy and I know that Ashley is only standing in my way.

"Well, don't wait any longer lover boy, your wicked witch is right there." Dylan patted me on the back as he leaned against his locker. She was with her stupid friend group on the stairs in the middle of the foyer.

"Now?" I asked in fear

"Or never... but she's coming over here so I'd say now." As I turned away from him I noticed that he wasn't lying. She was prancing happily my way, and as I walked closer to meet her half way, my stomach was bubbling with nervousness.

"We need to talk." I whisper to her, but her friends were making their way over here as well.. can there be any privacy?

"Okay honey, what about after school, me and the girls are going for pedicures?"

"No, this can't wait." I was shaking in my clothes, looking back Dylan was staring at us, smirking with amusement.

"Okay tell me babe."

"Not in front of them... privately." She was being difficult, I knew she knew what was happening. Her eyes rolled and she huffed out air in annoyance.

"Babe.." She smiled. "Whatever you want to say, can be say in front of my friends." She wasn't budging on this, that much I knew.

I looked back one more time at Dylan, his smile widened as he flashed a thumbs up. I was in a bind, looking at her staring at me. She was waiting for my words, but all I could hear was the scurry of other people in the hall and all I could feel was my heart in my chest.


"Don't stutter babe, speak up."

"Its over Ashley. I don't want to be with you anymore, for good this time." I could hear the gasps from her friends as their wide eyes couldn't believe the words that just came from my mouth.

Her face was calm, but her voice was filled with anger. "Pardon me?"

"You heard me, no more of this, you know I'm not happy, just let this all-"

"Oh no, no, no." She was frantically walking backwards, her words getting louder and louder. "No one breaks up with me Harry." Once she reached the stairs her loud obnoxious heels hit on the concrete and stomped, the noise echoing out the now busier hallway. "Excuse me everyone! Excuse me."


Shit. Shit. Shit.

Everyone began to simmer down, their heads turned to look at her as if she was the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen. Before I really knew her, she was.

"Excuse me everyone I have an announcement." Murmurs finally quieted to silence, and my head was whirling in thoughts of what she would do next.

"As you all know I am a winner when it comes to successful relationships. I dated the head of the football team, we sadly ended... Hi Brent." She waved and smiled at him as the stupid jocks began to cheer,"I dated the student president... Jeremih was always so cute." And of course he was there too. In that horrible dark suit he always wear his long arm waved in the air with a smile.

"But, now It's him... Harry." Her long stupidly manicured fingers pointed to me across the stairway and every - and I mean everyone- turned their heads to look at me. I felt like I was going to vomit from all the unwanted attention, this was worse then the nerves at any competitions.

"He had drooled over me for years, he thought I never noticed but I did. He couldn't even form a sentence and the time I finally let him have what he wants he wants to dump me? Me? For what? Making you popular, cool, a somebody." She was walking harshly down the stairs, gunning for me, and being the idiots that they are, the other people made a trail for her to follow right through.

"Before you were with me you were a nobody. Harry Styles who? He tried to break up with me before... for baking him cookies. I've done a lot for you, even helped your dumbass with school. Gave you your first kiss, let your scrawny hands touch me, I sucked your small ass di-"

"That's enough!" I shout, shaking my head. Why would she do this? Try to humiliate me like this.

"No, it's not enough." Her fingers were pushing into my chest, causing me to walk backwards towards the lockers.

"You're a stupid, mother fucking, dipshitting, wannabe that doesn't know an ass from tits or from a fake friend to a real one. You wanted me Harry, you got me, and now I'm dropping you."

"You know it's not like this, I did nothing to you." Anger, embarrassment, resentment, they were all fuming inside of me in a mix of emotion as she slammed me into the locker. I swear to god if she was a boy she'd be on the floor by now. My body was right next to Dylan, I couldn't dare to look at him.

"No one dumps me, you got that? So I am dumping you." Her hand slides across my t-shirt dusting off nothing but my pride. "Here that everyone? It's over." And as she walked through the line of people reaching the stairs she turned one last time to finish me off.

"Oh and Harry, if you want another go at having a girlfriend, try not to cry when their sucking you off... it's a turn off."

People, laughing and cheering were seen all across the foyer.
Her disgusting boots were heard treading up the stairs to her next class as if she had won a victory.
And I felt defeated.

"She's a bitch." Was all that Dylan could say to me. I could barely feel him wrapping his hand around my shoulder and pulling me away from my own humiliation.

"Fuck off." "Leave him alone." "He has a bigger dick then all of you combined." He was trying to stick up for me through the laughing and If I was able to speak I'd be thanking him.

And although my heart hurt with embarrassment I was more concerned and confused with the words she said,
"You're a stupid, mother fucking, dipshitting, wannabe that doesn't know an ass from tits or from a fake friend to a real one."

... fake friends?
What is she talking about?


Awe oh my gosh poor harry. :(

Btw this story is like idk half done. (I write short stories.)


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