Chapter 3

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Samantha and Sean are browsing through the sodas while I'm over here looking at what drinks I wanna buy. "Do you want grape or apple?" Sam asks. 

"Doesn't matter," I mumble, trying to decide on Jack or something else. 

"Chester just get a couple of beers and let's go. We need to go find other things."

I shrug and grab a couple of bottles of Jack and put them into the cart Sam's pushing. She roles her eyes when I get a pack of Coca Cola and throw it in there too. "Will you ever stop drinking?" 

I pretend to think as I look up thoughtfully. "Nah." Sean chuckled and follows along.

"We need a couple of party trays. They have some near the deli right?" I nod and follow her there. As we try finding what kind of snacks I want, I feel a pulling in my chest. 

"Um, I'm gonna go to the restrooms real quick," I mutter. Sam nods, barley looking at me. I bolted towards the store entrance and step outside. I dig my hand into my pockets and pull out a cigarette. I fumble with the lighter before getting my shaking hand to work.

The cigarette lights and I inhale deeply. The nagging feeling subsides and I relax. I earn a disapproving look from a mother who's towing about five kids behind her. I chuckle and nod towards her. She rolled her eyes and dragged one of her kids along. Once I finished, I threw the butt on the ground and stomped it out. I step back into the store and find Sam and Sean, still in the exact same spot they were in when I left. "Get salami and pepperoni," I tell them as I reach for the tray. "You're making this seem like it's my last birthday ever."

"I just want to make this super special," Sam mumbled. "What else do we need? I swear if we need streamers, I'm just using the damn toilet paper." Sam and Sean laugh as we go to checkout. "Do you want streamers?"

"Fuck no," I laugh, "I just want food and music."

"Makes it easier to set up then," Sean chuckled. All three of us split our money and pay, making a couple behind us wait longer than they should. Once we got our money together, we hand it to the cashier, who didn't seem to mind Sam counting all of the change she had. We throw the bags into the cart and head out to the parking lot. "That couple was about to explode!" Sean snickered.

"Right! That woman needed to calm down!" I laugh. I imitate looking at a watch and dramatically pretend to loudly chew gum. Sam laughed at my impersination as she closed the trunk.

We climb into the car and start our drive home. The entire ride we were just making fun of the people we encountered in the store. I roll down the window and take out a cigarette and light it. "Chaz, put your hands back on the steering wheel," Sam said, rolling her eyes. 

"Alright," I mumble, the roll still in my mouth.

I finally pull up to the house and park the car in the driveway. Still huffing and puffing, I open the trunk and help Sam carry the groceries inside. "Go finish that thing outside," she commands, taking the bags from my hands. Sean snickers and I stick my tongue out at him. I sat in one of the plastic chairs set outside on the porch and take a long drag from the cigarette. I close my eyes and feel my body relax, my muscles feeling like I have been running up and down stairs. Truth is, this has been the most I've moved around this week. I don't usually go to the store, or anywhere for that matter.

I threw the butt out into the yard and went back inside. Sam and Sean had already put away all the groceries away. They were both on the couch talking excitedly. "Big day is soon," Sam squealed when I sat next to her. I rolled my eyes, "Seriously guys. It's just my birthday. No big deal about that."

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