Chapter 10

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The guys were talking animatedly. Even Chester, who had a beer in hand. I'm surprised he was in a good mood considering the fight we had yesterday afternoon. "If they like it then this is it," Brad remarked nudging Dave in the shoulder. 

"Dude we could be famous!" Joe giggled, "MR. HAHN BITCHES!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I was just as excited as the rest of the guys are. We were all huddled in a room while Jeff reviewed with some people with Warner. I was also nervous. These guys could turn us down again. They didn't like Mark. What if they don't think Chester is good enough either. Sure I didn't want Chester around, but he could get us signed.

I do kinda feel bad for what I said yesterday. But it was all the truth. He came staggering into the building this morning, high as a kite. I'm sure the drugs have worn off a little by now.

My eyes wander over to Chester. He's twisting a ring around his finger nervously. My breath hitches and I realise it's the ring I had given him years ago. It still looks like new, as if he got it just moments ago. He still has it, and he probably guarded it with his life. I had thrown mine into a drawer, forgetting it all together. I don't even remember where it is anymore. I look away from him when he catches my glare. Jeff opened the door and everyone's heads snapped up, waiting for an answer. "Congratulations," he smiles. We all jump up, smiles plastering our faces.

"Oh my gosh! We did it!" Dave said happily hugging me. I hugged him back and went over to hug the others. I glanced at Chester and gave him a small, awkward smile. His lips curled up to a small grin.

"Guys we should totally celebrate!" Joe said putting an arm around Dave. 

Dave nodded, "Hmmm. I feel like eating at..." Everyone had a smile creep up onto their faces. I grinned too, knowing very well what they had in mind. 

Chester shook his head after taking a swig from his bottle. "I have no idea what's going on anymore."

"We're going to Hooters dammit," Dave chuckled as he took Chester's hand. "Come on. There's a ton of girls in really short shorts. We gotta celebrate in some way."

"I don't even like girls," Chester muttered before following Dave out of the door. I felt my heart twinge in jealousy as I looked at their hands locked together. First Rob, now Dave? I shook it off and followed the others. It was a bit dark out already. We had been at NRG all day, anxiously waiting to see if we were going to get signed into a record deal. Now we can get out for a bit and celebrate.

"I hope we get a good producer," Joe said as he skipped to his car. Dave and Brad nodded in agreement as they walked over to Brad's car. I hopped into mine and followed the others to the restaurant.

Once we were there we all walked into the building, jittery with happiness. I looked ahead and saw Chester side by side with Rob. I looked away and try to focus on something else. We chose a booth off in the corner. Chester, Rob and Dave were seated across from Brad, Joe and I. A waitress went up to us and asked us for our drinks. "I'll have just a Sprite," I told her. The guys give their orders her as she writes them down. 

"And you?" she asked Chester. 


Dave laughs once she's gone. "Damn Talinda is still a waitress. Did you see the way she looked at you Brad?" Brad shudders. 

"Ugh, I can't wait to get a girl friend. Talinda is just some creepy ass stalker sometimes."

"Well she does hang out with Anna now," Joe remarked as he took out a pen and started to doodle on the napkins. I feel like doing the same since we both think it's a good waste of time while your waiting for food. I decide not to since I still feel too excited and jumpy. 

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