Chapter 34

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I don't know why Mike was so bipolar with me. So was Rob, but I don't care.

That day I was in the hospital, he had seemed so caring it actually scared me, and gave me a little hope. But the day I got out, he had become grouchy with me again. Maybe worse than before.

Mike was really mean with the rest of the band, except for Brad. He was still harsh with him, but not so much like everyone else.

"This whole project's gonna ruin us all," I groaned, clearing my throat as I sat on the studio couch next to Dave. "I really don't know if I can perfect the scream Mike wants for 'With You'."

Dave sighed and closed the magazine he was reading. "None of us are going to meet his standards. He's becoming too much again."

"Or worse," I muttered, leaning my head back and sighing. I felt so tired. Maybe a few hits tonight won't hurt.

"How's the wedding planning going along?" I asked Dave, trying to take my mind off the drugs I was beginning to crave. He let a small grin spread across his face. 

"It's going good. Lindsey said she already got a dress. I'm so excited for this."

I smiled and patted his shoulder. "I'm glad. We got something to take our minds off this album from hell." Dave giggled and opened his magazine back up.



I groaned and cleared my throat. "I'm losing my voice here," I rasped out.

"Does it look like I care," Mike said as he stared at his computer. "Do it again and we'll see if you actually can do something good for once."

Tears pricked my eyes and took my headphones off, slamming them down onto the music stand. "You do it then, since you're so perfect Mikey." He spun his chair around, glaring at me. I swear if it was possible, I'm sure his look could've shattered the sound-proof glass.

"I'm trying to record a song here so if you would kindly cooperate. Or do I need to offer you sex for you to actually do something?"

I felt my tears spill over and my hands closed into fists. "Fuck you! Just Fuck you Mike!" I screamed, by voice coming out at a slight rasp.

"Couldn't you do that for the opening?"

I cried out and threw the vocal booth door open, I grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the studio. I wasn't going to come back for vocal later. I hope he's mad too.


I gasped and groaned. I haven't taken this much before but it was gonna be worth it.

I flung my feet off the side if the bed, standing up slowly. My legs felt wobbly but I was able to walk to the bathroom.

Once in there, I looked at myself in the mirror. What I saw only disgusted me. I felt like gagging. I could hear my speakers blasting out music. It felt really quiet compared to the roaring in my ears, as if powerful wind was pushing past me. I groaned and felt the effects of the drug take place.

I stumbled to the tub and turned the faucet on. I hummed to the song playing. I could barely hear it over the whooshing and the sound of the tub filling up, but I knew the song well. Soundgarden was soothing at times like this. 

Once the tub was full, maybe a bit too full, I sat in the tub and a bit of water flowed out of the tub. I sighed and felt the warmth envelope me. My body felt heavy with my clothes soaking up the water and the heat of the water. I knew what I was doing. I knew it seemed odd. But I didn't stop myself. I sat in the tub, humming and singing to the music. I was beginning to doze off, but the amount of drugs in my system kept me from actually falling asleep.

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