Chapter 54

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Chester's expression was unreadable. He sat on the couch opposite if my desk, looking down, arms crossed.

"So now you know," he whispered.

"How long did that go on," I asked quietly. He looked up, his eyes glossy.

"A little more than a year."

A single tear fell from the corner of his eye, rolling down his cheek slowly.

"It went on for that long. And then he stopped it. I'm glad he did. I wasn't only hurting him by doing that, but I was hurting myself too.

"When was this?"

"Before we started on Meteora."

I ran a hand through my hair, a shaky breath escaping my lips.

"I know I shouldn't be angry with you. We weren't-- aren't together. But I'm upset cause he's our band mate."

I stared down at the carpet, shifting in my seat. Chester was quiet.

"Don't lie to me Mike, "Chester whispered. I didn't look up at him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"You're jealous..."

I shut my eyes. Exhaling loudly, I looked up at him, looking right into his eyes.

"What do want with this," I asked. "Where do you want us to go."

"I want to be with you."

He stared back. I began to see that seventeen year old I fell in love with all those years ago. The innocent looking, blonde haired boy. But I could also see a twenty-seven year old, grown adult, full of scars, full of horrid memories of pain. Most of that pain inflicted by me.

"That's what I want Mike. I've wanted that more than anything for the past ten years."

Chester's voice was quiet and soft. His eyes held nothing held nothing but compassion and forgiveness. Tears filled my eyes. I spun the chair around and faced my desk before he could see them fall.

"I don't want that."

It was quiet.

"This relationship, or whatever this is, is too damaged Chester. What had before, that was ten years ago, and we both have grown up a lot."

I composed myself and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry."

He looked hurt. Nearly as hurt as he was the day I spat in his face and told him I had nothing to do with him anymore.

Chester stood up, not adding anything else, and left the room.

When the door closed, a strangled sob escaped me. A hand covered my mouth as sob after sob cane out of me. My eyes stung from the amount of tears welling up in them.

I take it back. I take it back Chester. I want to be with you. But I can't. I've hurt him once. What makes him think I won't do it again. I was so terrible to him for years. I can't forgive myself. How could he forgive me.


I sniffed and turned the water off. I dried my face off with the small hand towel hanging by the sink. I had already stopped crying, long ago, but my chest was hurting.

The heartburn had returned with full force. I also couldn't stop hiccuping, even though I wasn't crying anymore.

Maybe rest would help. There want any important meetings right now, everyone's watching everyone's watching a movie right now.

I stepped out of the bathroom. I could smell the pizza Brad bought. My stomach growled, but then I felt nauseous thinking about how it would end up making me feel.

I walked down the stairs, the guys were all glued to the t.v., despite Dave choosing a children's movie.

"I'm heading out guys," I called out.

"Awe already?" Joe pouted.

"Yeah, not feeling well at the moment."

The guys all said goodbye, minus Rob. I opened the door and let myself out.

The drive home was nauseating. It wasn't only the terrible heartburn, but Mike's words.

He was really letting go wasn't he? He didn't want to be with me. I sighed. At least he wasn't bitter about it. Mike spoke calmly and was reasonable.

I slowed the car. An old, beat up, black car was parked outside. I looked around, but no one seemed to be standing by it. I parked in the drive way and let myself in. The front door was unlocked. Ugh, I forgot to lock it...

Sudden panic washed through me. What if someone broke in and stole things. I cautiously let walked into the living room.


She turned around and gave me a weak smile. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her stomach was poking out of the sundress she wore. He hair was lose, not in the half pony tail she always wore it in.

"Hi," she said shyly. I ran up to her.

"What are you-- when did you get here?" I hugged her gently, stroking her hair as she hugged back.

"I came to see you. And I got here yesterday. I've been staying at a motel in town."

She pulled away and noticed that I was looking at her stomach, looking down at it herself and chuckling. She sniffled and looked up at me. She looked tired and worn out.

"Come sit down, please," I helped her to the couch and then help her sit.

"Before you ask, it's Sean's," she whispered.

"Sean?" I repeated.

Sam nodded. "We...we started dating a few months after you left. Everything was going great, but...when I told him I was pregnant, he packed up and left."

She sniffled again and covered her hand with her mouth. "It's okay Sammy," I said softly, hugging her. "You don't need to keep it in."

She started crying, her body shaking as she did. "He-he just left. He d-didn't leave a note or c-called m-me before leaving.

"W-we were already st-struggling with rent. And went he-he left, I lost the house, I lost ev-erything."

"Oh Sam." I rubbed her back and she wooed her eyes. "If you need money, a place to stay, anything at all, I can--"

"I didn't come here to ask for money Chester," she said. "My mom is willing to help me."

She grabbed my hands and held them. "Chester. I was terrible to you before. I know you've forgiven me and we've moved past that. And you've helped me when we left Agoura. You've helped so much Ches. I can't thank you enough.

"I want you to be his godfather Chester."

I blinked. "Me? Godfather?"

"He won't have a father figure. I want you to be there for him. Please."

"And I will be. Thank you Sam," I hugged her again. I held her for a while, letting her rest and calm down.

"Thank you Chester."

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