Chapter 11

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When I got back from the hair salon, I was half expecting to find Chester drunk and asleep on the couch. Right. I kicked him out. Better off that way anyways. I don't want him around.

My neck and shoulders felt gross. There was probably a ton of hair dye all over me. I groaned and dropped my backpack onto the floor beside me. I kicked off my shoes and headed to the bathroom to shower. I shut the door behind me and turn towards the mirror to take my contacts out. I undressed and turned the water on.

The warm water relaxed my muscles, the excitement from today leaving me exhausted. I grinned as my mind reverted back to that guy in the restaurant. I should've called him. He wasn't bad at all. I furiously scrubbed at my neck, watching as streaks off red rolled down my chest. I moved to work on my shoulders. My skin felt raw from all the scrubbing, but I had to be sure all the dye would come off.

I turned off the water and stepped out, the skin around my neck and shoulders red and burning. I grumble and dig around the medicine cabinet for my bottle of lotion. After rubbing a good portion of it everywhere, I tossed it back into the cabinet and got dressed.

When I returned to the living room, my phone was ringing and vibrating on the coffee table. I grabbed it, raising an eyebrow when I read the number. I didn't know the number, and there wasn't an ID assigned to it.


There was no answer. "Hello?" I tried again, but nothing. I sighed and hung up. Probably a stupid prank call. Oh, well. I can't worry about it now. I put my phone in my pocket and stretched. I walked over to the radio and flipped it on. Korn's "A.D.I.D.A.S." assaulted my ears for a bit before some other band came on. I walked over to the fridge as commercials played afterwards. I grabbed some leftovers and sat on the small dining table with my notepad. As the radio blared, I ate and stared at the blank page. Now that we're signed, it wouldn't hurt to write some more music.


I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes. Crumpled papers littered the table. My food was long forgotten and cold. Tossing my pen down, I got up and put my glasses back on. I turned the radio up and slumped on the couch. That smell. Beer and cheap cologne. I mentally groaned as I tried not to think about Chester again. I shouldn't have let him stay here in the first place. I shook my head and changed my position, trying to get comfortable.

Just as I was dozing off, my phone began to ring. I groaned and fished it out of my sweats. "Yes Delson."

"I bet you're fucking dandy Mike."

"The hell I do now?"

"When did you fucking kick him out? You know none of can have him at our places!"

I sighed, "Like maybe a day ago or something. Why do you guys care?"

"Why do we care? Mike he's our friend. Our fucking friend. Dave just found him drunk and passed out in a damn ally. We don't even know where his damn car is right now."

"How is this my problem?"

"Oh fuck you Shinoda." The line clicked and I was left in a bitter silence. I would've felt some remorse for the guys and Chester, but I just couldn't. Chester wasn't my boyfriend, or friend, I'm not responsible for him. I huffed and flipped my phone shut, maybe a little too forcefully but who cares anymore.


Walking briskly, I tried to ignore the hot and humid air. My shirt stuck to me as my skin felt like I was sweating buckets. I slowed down my walking as I saw my car parked near the corner. I just needed to go into the dollar store and buy tape like Brad had asked. As I neared the store and my car, I thought I saw a glimpse of a body. I did a double take and sure enough there was a guy sprawled against the damp cement.

I cringed and slowly walked over to him. I gasped as the man's tattoos came into view.


I quickly rushed to his side. I didn't hear him breathing. His cheek was pressed against the cement, a puddle of vomit not far from where he was laying. A half-empty beer bottle was loosely grasped in one of his hands. His skin was pale and sweaty. I shook him lightly. "Chester! Chaz?!" Nothing. I felt his forehead. He was cold, maybe a bit too cold.

"Shit..." I breathed. Panicking, I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I called the first person in my contacts.

"Phi, you get the tape yet?"

"No Brad I--It's Chaz...he-" I tried. My breathing was raspy. It was getting hard to breathe. I tried calming down a bit.

"He's...I don't know...he might be d-" I choked up as I looked at him again.

"Where are you? Just stay clam I'm on my way."

"N-next the dollar store, by the house." I bit my nail.

"Stay with him, just do what you can okay?" I gave him a weak "okay" and hung up.

"Chaz, please wake up soon," I whimpered as I flipped him over onto his back. I put my ear on his chest. I could hear his heart beat but no breathing. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down first. I checked his arms, and sure enough, there was a bruising needle mark on his right forearm. Biting my lip I tried to stop myself from sobbing out loud. Tears were rolling down my face freely. "Chester why do you do this to yourself...?"

Brad was at my side. "Damn, why is he here?" He grabbed Chester from under his shoulders, "Help me pick him up." I nodded and lifted him. he was light. I don't even know why Brad needed help. "Let's get him home and we'll take care of him there. If things get worse we'll take him to the ER."

Tying Chester into the passenger seat, Brad continued talking. "Call Rob, or Joe, we're gonna need a bit of help when he wakes up."

He went over the his side and started the car. He drove off and left me standing on the sidewalk like an idiot. I let out a shuddery sigh and walked over to my car. The second I sat down and closed the door, and loud and strangled sob escaped me. Why is this happening to him? Why is Chester so broken? It didn't take long for me to figure that one out.

Mike was the one causing him all this pain. He hasn't moved on either by the looks of it. None of this was fair. And it feels like I'm stuck in the middle. Mike is my friend. He always was. But maybe things have to change now.

"Mike you jack ass!" I laughed as he dashed away. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the water in my hair.

"You have to come get me Dave!" I laughed again and chased after Mike. Brad was running next to him, laughing hysterically.

"Get your ass over here," I screamed as he threw another water balloon at me.

It wasn't fair.

"You're such a jack ass!" I screamed as I stomped my foot. "You're a dick to all of us! What have we done!?"

"You fucking prick!"

"Shut up Mike!"

"Mike stop!"

I cried. For the first time in years. There had been a few angry tears during some fights with Mike and on occasion, Brad, but I never let them fall. Not until now. I was losing my best friend. I know what I have to do if it continues.

"Fuck you Mike!" I shouted. "Fuck you and your shitty attitude! He's not dead I know it! He's still got us!"

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