Chapter 18

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"Damn," Brad breathed as the song ended. Everyone in the studio was taken back by the song we finished mixing and recording today. It sounded powerful yet still melodic and heartfelt.

"This one is totally making it," Don said as he scribbled some notes down. The rest of the band was seated around the studio room, listening to the music.

"Well we have just two songs to finish editing and then we go into mixing the album and we're done," Don announces, putting everything away into his bag. "Alright, everyone here by eleven a.m. sharp tomorrow."

He nodded at us and left us alone in the studio. Joe let out a long, shrill shriek. "We are almost done! Oh my gosh!" He pounced on Chester who rolled his eyes and tried pushing him off. 

"Dude tone it down."

Brad chuckled and joined Joe, pouncing and hugging Chester. "If you're happy and you know clap your hands!" 

Chester groaned and pushed them off. "I'm really exhausted guys. I've been sick." Chester's voice sounded raspy and weak. He looked slightly paler than usual.

"At least all the vocals are all done," Rob replied, feeling his forehead. 

"Damn...He is pretty warm." Joe mimicked Rob and immediately looked concerned. "I think you should go home now. You don't look so good."

"I don't feel good," Chester groaned. He tugged his sweater on and grabbed his backpack. As I watched him, he did look really sick. "Haven't felt well for the past few weeks," he added sadly as he zipped up the loose sweater. Probably wasn't his since it looked so big on him.

"Get some rest," I found myself saying. I sounded like I was talking to the old Chester. Guilt and grieve floods me and and look down at the thin old carpet we had laid out.

"Yeah...thanks," he says weakly. I hear the door open and then close. I look up and everyone is looking at me, confused. I don't know If it was the sudden attention or the fact that I actually felt like I was beginning to care.


I'm staring at the screen. The room around me feels tense and hot as the band and Don are all quiet.

"It's done," I said, sounded more relieved than excited. Cheers and whoops of happiness erupt in the room. A smile spreads across my face and I laugh. Our first album as a band. It's done.

"Wow. This sounds amazing," Don chuckled. "Release date isn't that far either."

"This is exciting," Chester wheezed from the back of the room, drinking from a can of beer. "We're doing shows around town right?"

"Yes, local shows for now. But not until you get better Bennington," Don joked. My stomach flips. 

"So are we playing like at bars and small venues for now?" I ask.

"Yep. You guys are gonna start off slow and small but eventually you guys will get there."

I smile and remember all the good times from highshool, playing music with my friends at bars Joe deejayed at. I sigh and look around. The guys all have smiles and are talking to each other happily.

"So when's the first show?"

"Around next week."


Chester sneezed again and groaned in fustration. "If I keep sneezing I'll never get through the first song!"

Scott laughed and strummed his bass lightly. I tapped the microphone and looked at Joe and Rob, who were trying to see who can catch a drumstick. Joe ended up hitting his own face.

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