Chapter 33

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"Are you okay. This is the fourth time you run into the wall," Joe said as he walked beside me. He looked extremely bothered but I ignored the look he gave me. 

"I'm fine. Just hurry and get on stage."

He walked away and I followed a few feet behind him and Rob. The sounds of people yelling and cheering grew louder as I neared the stage. A wave of nausea hit me as I got to the backstage area.

I swore as I rushed towards the trash bin. I threw up violently and coughed a bit. After my coughing fit, I shakily moved away from the bin, towards the main stage.


"You got off stage six times in between songs to puke, on the floor of the side of the stage. Are sure everything's good?" Joe asked as he caught up with me. I nodded, not looking at him. He's been such a jerk lately, I don't even know why he's asking.

"Everything's...fine," I rapsed. My entire leg felt so sore. As if I had been working out all day with no rest. 

"You're like really pale."

I turned and found Brad looking at me too. He and Joe both looked concerned. I shook my head. "Guys, just leave me alone."

They looked at each other and finally walked away. I sighed and walked out of the backstage area, towards the dressing rooms. A wave of dizziness hit me and I stumbled, catching myself on the doorway. Breathing hard, I tried to steady myself but had no luck. I rested against the door frame as the muscles in my lower back and leg began aching. I groaned and the air around me grew heavy and hot.


I mopped my forehead up with a towel, grabbing a water bottle from the cooler. The weather was beggining to get hotter and the stage wasn't any better.

Joe and Brad passed by me, talking in hushed whispers. I didn't think it'd be important until I heard Chester's name in between words.

"He looked like he was gonna pass out."

I paused, trying to listen to their whispers but I didn't make anything else out. I assumed Chester had worked himself to hard again or was stoned as usual. I walked out of the backstage area and towards the dressing room. As I neared the doors I found Chester leaning against the frame, heaving.

It looked like he was struggling to breathe, his skin sweaty and paler than it usually was. I opened my mouth to speak, but he collapsed, his eyes rolling back as his body gave out. As he fell, his body convulsed.

I rushed to his side and then heard people running towards us.

"Mike! Is he okay?" Rob asked frantically, kneeling down too. Brad and Dave were circled around and Joe was already on taking his phone out. Some of the techs were surrounding us too asking what happens and why he was shaking. I tried explaining things, but kept stumbling over my words. In the middle of it, I heard Jim shouting to call 911.

Everything became to frantic. I sat frozen next to him, wondering what happened, why this happened and if he was going to be okay. His body violently shook every now and then, stopping for a few minutes then it started up again. Only minutes later I could hear the faint noise of a siren and people shouting.

Paramedics rushed into the venue and lifted him onto a stretcher, asking us what happened and I tried to explain again for the fifth time. Some people helped get him onto a stretcher. He was still convulsing.

After a few minutes of paramedics and techs surrounding the five of us, a few techs running up and down the hall, everyone left and it was quiet.

"I'm gonna go. I need to see if he's okay," Dave murmured anxiously as he began walking. Joe followed and eventually Brad. Rob was beginning to walk behind them too but stopped and glanced at me.

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