Chapter 23

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"We're just one of the opening bands, chill," Rob reminded Joe who was hopping up and down.

"Yeah but there's a lot more people than I thought."

I let out a deep breath, letting our new tech, Jim adjust my in-ears. "All set Mike." I thanked him and grabbed a microphone. My hand was slightly shaking but, I felt more excited than nervous. I felt happy.

I glaced at Chester who looked like nothing was happening. He was smoking. I looked away when he glanced at me. I still couldn't understand how his voice is fine with all the smoking he does. I heard Jim shouting over at us, telling us to start moving into the stage.

Chester tossed the cigarette into the ground and stomped it out. He followed behind me, brushing past me as we neared the main stage.

When we walked into the stage, Joe was already beginning the intro. I looked out into the crowd. There was a lot of people. A lot. I let out a breath and raised the microphone. "How you all doing tonight?"

There was a bout of loud cheers and a handful of 'boos'. Chester screamed into his microphone next to me, starting the song.


I walked backstage with a huge grin on my face. The crowd was pretty rowdy and I felt like we did good. The backstage crew was telling us how good we did as we grabbed water bottles and a snack.

"I think we should head to the hotel," Brad suggested as he opened up his water, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, I feel pretty exhausted," I chuckled.

I heard coughing and retching behind me. I spun around and found Chester throwing up violently into one of those big trash cans you can roll around. He was coughing and sputtering as he threw up.

"Is he okay," I muttered to Brad. Brad shook his head, looking disappointed.

"He was drinking a lot this morning. Probably had too much and his stomach couldn't take it."

I looked back at Chester. Dave was next to him, rubbing his back and speaking to him quietly. Chester nodded and let Dave support him back to the hall leading to the exit of the venue. "Poor guy," Brad sighed.

I hung my jacket over my shoulder, feeling too hot and sweaty for it. Dave and Chester were walking slowly. We began walking behind them. Dave was talking to Chester quietly as Chester had his head hung low, obviously ashamed over whatever Dave was telling him.

"Next show is in about a week. Our driver said we could be there maybe by Thursday."

"Oh ok."

I pushed through one of the double doors and sighed at the fresh cool air hitting my sweaty skin. Our tech was loading our equipment into the van. Once our stuff was out away, we loaded into one of the venue vans.

We were driving back to hotel. The sun was barely dipping down into the horizon. I had my cheap headphones shoved into my ears, playing some Anthrax. I almost chuckled when I remembered my first concert was Anthrax. But then I remembered Chester took me. I sighed and rested my head against the glass, closing my eyes

The car stopped and I heard the door on the opposite side get thrown open. My eyes snapped open and I turned to my right. Chester was hunched over, throwing up again. I heard Joe groan from the back.

"If we stop again I'm gonna lose my mind," Joe grumbled from behind me. Behind all the radio from the van and the music playing from my headphones, I could hear Chester choking out. A few minutes passed and he eventually got back into the car, his face pale.


"We leave tomorrow morning so be prepared," Jim reminded me as the elevator door slid open. I nodded,

"Alright, thanks Jim."

I walked down the hall, to Brad's door. I knocked and waited. "Coming!"

I heard him bound towards the door, a series of clicks then Brad opened the door. "Hey, Joe and Dave just brought the pizza."

I walked in behind him, hearing Dave and Joe laughing loudly. They were sitting on the old bed, a box of pizza set between them. "Hey Mike," Joe greeted through a mouthful of pizza.

"What's up," I grinned, joining them, the bed whining lowly as more weight was added. I grabbed a slice of pizza and chopped down into it. "So what up Brad? Why did you need me here."

"Nah just wanted to do a small pizza party. I texted Rob and he said he wanted to sleep early. Chester's sick as a dog and well, pizza might not be his best friend right now."

I nodded, silently cheering Chester wasn't here. But then I realized Rob and Chester haven't been coming with us lately and have been spending a lot more time with each other. Were they...?

No Mike. Nope. Last time I check led Rob was straight.


I groaned, getting up from my hunched position. The small bathroom reeked of alcohol and vomit. It was even more nauseating just sitting in there.

I didn't know why I drank so much. Maybe because every action Mike make against me, or the fact that after so many years of no sexual touches, that weren't violating, was finally catching up to me. I knew I could've just gotten some random groupie and brought them over to the room, but I felt like I only wanted Rob. I groaned again, this time in fustration.

I reach into my cargo pants and grab my phone, flipping it open and texting Rob.

'Come to my room tonight?'

I sent it and went to the sink to wash out my mouth. I went back into the bedroom and placed my phone on the nightstand, sitting on the bed and licking my lips. I waited patiently for his reply, my nausea already forgotten. When my phone rang, I snatched it and opened the text.

'You know I can't tonight. We have to leave in a few hours. Get some rest ok? You need it.'

Angry tears pricked my eyes as I read it. He didn't want to be with me. I let out a small sob and tossed the phone onto the night stand again, not caring if it broke or not. I slumped into bed, grabbing the pillow and hugging it, weeping into it.

I could hear laughter coming from the thin walls, from Brad's room. He didn't even ask if I was okay. He just asked Dave and Joe if they wanted to eat. I'm pretty sure Mike's on there too. I hiccuped and tried to stop crying, but sobs continued to escape me. My face felt wet. I didn't loosen my right grip on the pillow to wipe my face.

This was going to be a long tour. Even longer if this band got more successful.

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