Chapter 52

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"So we only get a week home then we have to leave for Prague?" Dave's eyes widened.

Mike shifted his weight onto his other foot and leaned against his desk, his eyes moving quickly across the paper.

"Yep, then right after that, we have some Sanitarium rehearsals then the tour a few weeks after," Mike looked at the rest of us from behind his papers.

"This is gonna be a real busy year, so Brad, please, please don't start planning a wedding this year. You too Joe."

Brad laughed and Joe opened his mouth to object, but decided against it and frowned.

"Wait were you actually going to propose to Karen?" I asked Joe. He nodded and I couldn't help but giggle. I stopped and coughed. Dave reacted the same way, grabbing Joe by the shoulders and jumped up and down with him.


Mike rolled his eyes, shaking his head and smiling. "Well congrats Joe. Damn you all are already tying the knot."

Mike put the schedule back into its folder and put the folder beneath a mound of paper work.

"Well, I guess while we're all here I can order us a pizza or two."

"I think I'll pass," I piped in. "I've had some pretty bad heartburn this past month."

"Huh. I might have stuff to make you a salad. Not gonna let you starve today," Mike said.

"Oh just a salad? C'mon Mike, at least throw in a hot dog."

"Depends what kind you want," Mike giggled. The guys groaned  and chuckled.

I giggled and then stopped. I felt the hairs on my neck rise when I heard Rob exhale rather sharply behind me.

"Can we watch movies Mike," Dave asked, putting his hands together and giving Mike a puppy dog look. Mike stared at him and then nodded.

"I call dibs on choosing a movie!" Joe shouted before running out of the office.

"Wait. No. It was my idea!" Dave ran after Joe and Brad burst out chuckling. I followed Brad out of the room, listening to Joe and Dave argue about who's choosing what movie.

"We need to talk--" I heard Rob say as I left the room. Mike replied, but I didn't hear what he said and my heart began to thud.

Were they going to argue again? I hope not. I wasn't lookong forward to more tension. Whatever happens, I hope it doesn't cause even more drama.

Once I was downstairs, Joe was sitting on the floor in front of the t.v., pouting. Dave hummed happily as he popped in a movie. It was Mulan.

"You couldn't put on a more adult movie?" I asked, chuckling.

"Joe wanted to watch Cinderella! Mulan is way more adult than Cinderella!"

I chuckled again then sat next to Dave on the couch. "Your hairs getting long Chaz."

"Yeah," I ran my hand through my hair. It was still blonde, but the roots were showing, only a little. It had been a while since I had it dyed again. I was neglecting things like this lately.

Rob came down the stairs fifteen minutes into the movie, but Mike didn't. I started to worry about what happened.

"Mike said he'll be down in a bit. Had to...take care of a phone call. He asked if you can order the pizza Brad?"

"Sure," Brad took his phone out and walked into the kitchen, where there was less noise.

Rob sat on the floor next to Joe,  poking fun at him for watching Disney movies.

I looked up at the top of stairs, hoping Mike would be okay and just come down stairs. I couldn't watch the movie. What happened?  Was Mike really taking a phone call? It wouldn't take him this long...

Then my phone vibrated.

'Come upstairs please.'


Everyone walked out of the office, and Rob grabbed my shoulder.

"We need to talk. Outside."

"Can we stay in here and talk?"

Rob nodded and closed the office door.

"What has everyone been telling you," Rob hissed.

"About not approaching Chester. Rob, Dave meant like romantically,  not--"

"Bullshit. Mike, you were flirting."

"It was a small joke Rob! He wasn't bothered by it. Please Rob. This whole situation has made him miserable, he's finally cheering up."
Rob completely disregarded what I said, crossing his arms and giving me a sour look.

"Of course he's not bothered with you. All he did was use me," he spat.

"Rob, he never--"

"So I'm assuming you don't know. Wow, kudos to the guys keeping it a secret from you."

"What?" Rob glared at me. I was genuinely confused, and concerned. What was he talking about?

"You don't know," he said, almost in a whisper. His expression softened.

"Chester...he--Chester and I slept together."

My body froze. My heart thudded, my body feeling chills and warmth. Then my legs began to give out.

" what."

"I think you heard me."

Rob was right. I did hear him. I still asked, somewhat hoping I heard wrong. But his answer didn't change. He didn't say 'no, I'm only playing'. I leaned heavily on the edge of the desk, my chest heaving, my body weak. So it was Rob this whole time. Rob was the one he slept with, not Dave.

"Get out."

Rob opened his mouth, but I cut him off.

"Get out," I repeated, my voice demanding this time and not weak and broken.

I sat on my chair, pulling it up to the desk and putting my head down. I cried, hard. Images of Rob and Chester clouded my mind, and those images were unbearable.

I grabbed my phone, throwing it open and opening Chester's contact. The messages between us were simple. Just times for band meet ups, questions about rehearsal times, everything was very business like.

'Come upstairs.'

I listened closely, hearing Chester's muffled voice, then the stairs creaking as he came up.

A small knock.

"Come in," I sniffed. The door opened, and he peeked in, worry all over his face.

"Mike? What's wrong? What happened?"

I shook my head.

"So much is wrong right now."

I wanted to lash out at him, scream and shout at him. I wanted to call him every degrading name there was. I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him around.

But at the same time, I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to tell me it was okay, everything is alright. I wanted to kiss him, hug him. I wanted that from him too.

"Everything is so confusing," I said, my voice breaking.

He looked at me, blinking. I knew he understood, but he couldn't figure out how to react.

"Tell me everything."

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