Chapter 46

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"And in more news, international rock band, Linkin Park has announced the release of their sophomore album and is expected to tour next summer with Metallica and Limp Bizkit in the upcoming Summer Saniterium tour. Here's their new single, Somewhere I Belong."

I turned the radio up and looked back at the road, grinning. I was so happy we were able to finish the album and release it. It took so long, but it was worth it. It was totally worth the drama and sleepless nights.

I grinned as I pulled into Dave's parking lot. I could see the other guy's cars parked around the house. I took a deep breath and checked to see if my tie was put on correctly.

I stepped out of the car into the chilly air and towards the front door. I ring the door bell and waited.

"Mike! Dude Dave expected you earlier," Joe said as he opened the door. "He thought you would help him with his hair and stuff, but he got Chester to do that since he's always primping before shows."

I chuckled and followed him upstairs and snorted when we entered Dave's bedroom. He sat patiently on the bed as Chester spiked his now short hair.

"Awe Dave you chopped it all off again?"

"I wanted to look nice for my wedding Mike. My wedding!"

I sat next to him, chuckling. "Nervous?"

"Yes," Dave whined, earning a small glare from Chester, who was still trying to help with his hair. "I mean, dude, this is the person I'm gonna spend my life with, have kids with and-- woah I suddenly want kids."

The other guys in the room laughed out loud, Dave shrugging. "I can't believe my little Phi is getting married," Joe said, his bottom lip sticking out. Chester pulled away and cleaned all the gel of his hands with a towel.

"Me either," Chester grinned as Dave stood up. They have eachother a hug and Chester patted his back. "Don't be nervous. Linsey loves you and you love her, so just go out there proudly."

Dave nodded and looked at his watch. "Alright, we have twenty minutes to get to the park."

"Okay, well let's go," Rob urged as he tugged his coat on. Everyone got their jackets on and headed downstairs and into their cars.

The drive didn't take long since Dave and Lindsey lived fairly close to the park they had reserved. Once we arrived, only a few people were there. We were early.

I knew Dave wanted the band at the altar, behind him, the side, so we all followed at and took our places. I could see the bride's maids in the opposite side of us, lined up neatly and giggling. From them, I saw Joe's girlfriend, Karen, and surprisingly Anna, Linsey's sister and a girl with dark hair and Asian features.

Guest began to arrive one by one. Dave was talking to his parents, his mom hugging him tightly. I smiled and felt Chester nudge me. I looked at him and he nodded his head towards the back of the group of chairs. Linsey was standing there, bouquet in hand and a smile plastered on her face. Her dress was just a simple white one, be she looked gorgeous.

After a few minutes, all the guests were seated quietly as the pastor took his place. Linsey began walking down the aisle between the chairs, behind a little girl who had a small basket of red rose petals, taking a small handful and sprinkling them on the floor. I looked over at Dave who was grinning, happiness in his eyes.

Once Linsey reached her place at the alter, in front of Dave, evryone sat down and began to listen to the pastors small sermon. The he began to go over the vows.

" Do you, Dave Farrell, take Linsey Braeunig, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

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