Chapter 13

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I tapped my fingers in the couch as Chester laughed and took a long drag from his bottle. It annoyed me, how much he drank while we were in the studio. I know he's gonna give us a bad image once our producer walks in. He hasn't heard any of our songs, so I know he'll make assumtions.

To my disbelief, Chester finished his bottle and pulled another one out of his bag just as there was a knock on the door. I groaned and got up to open the door. A man about in his late twenties stood there in a bright orange cap and a laptop bag.

"Hi! You must be Mike correct?"

"Yes sir," I smiled as I shook his hand, his grip firm. He stepped in and looked around, nodding at everyone in acknowledgment. 

"Well so nice to be here. I'm Don, Don Gilmore and I'll be your producer for this album." He took a seat on one of the fold-able chairs we had set up around the room. "Alright some ground rules. First rule is dedication. If there's no dedication then that leads to every one messing around and slacking it. No messing around is the second rule. Third rule is being here when I need you here and on time. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded and Don clapped his hands together. "Alright. Now let's see what you guys got so far." He looked at Brad then turned towards me. "You two are part of the main production right?"

"Yes. We put together an EP and released it to some of our fans online."

"That's a good start. Let's hear it." Brad nodded and spun the office chair so he can look at the computer screen. He opened up some folders and clicked on a file, opening up the album. Don sat back on his chair and listened to the first notes of Carousel.


"Well there's a lot going on," Don said as our ambient track came to a close. "A lot of production and mixing, the two genres, and quite a few instruments going on." He stood up and paved around. "You guys are talented, but these tracks-" he stopped and looked up at us. "I don't like them too much."

I felt a weight drop at the pit of my stomach. I looked at the others and they all had the same shocked expression. "I know you worked hard on these but I'm here to help you decipher what you guys will approve of and what the public will approve of.

"Are there any other demos you guys have done?"

"Yeah. Two," I answered fast. He nodded and Brad opened up one of the demos. After we listened through it, Don nodded in approval. "That actually sounds really good. Have there been lyrics written?"

"A few. We're still working on it," Chester answered before taking a drink. Don nodded. I glared at Chester who glanced at me and stuck his tongue out. I looked away, deciding not to start something in front of Don. 

"And the second one?"

"We only have the chorus and one verse done," Chester replied again, glancing at me for a brief moment. I balled my fists and held them at my sides. 

"Well you guys gotta start in that writing process." Don paced in front of Joe for a few seconds before stopping and facing him. "Disk Jockeys are uncharted territory for me. I don't know much about it so we both have to work together for your parts and meet halfway through."

Joe nodded and smiled, "Sure, no problem."

Then he stopped in front of Chester. "Chester right?" He nodded. Don looked at him before taking a deep breath. "That voice you have is one of a kind." 

Chester stopped mid-drink. "I-it is?" 

Don nodded and continued. "Your voice is so unique and it has this element to it that just blows me away.

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