Chapter 32

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"Gah--wait, what?" I cried out, sitting up abruptly. "H-here?"

Brad nodded, obviously ignoring my panicked look. "Brad--there's still things I need to unpack upstairs!"

"Doesn't matter. We'll be usng the studio room more."

He grinned again and let himself into the kitchen. "This seems a little to fancy for just you living here, don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, waving my hand in dismissal, somewhat hurt that he was still ignoring me. "Can't you guys take him over to Mike's?"

"I'm so fucking excited! This guy's a like rock legend already!"

I huffed and slumped back into my seat. "I really fucking hate you," I grumbled.

"I'm gonna call the other's over," Brad said happily, continuing to ignore me. "I'll be back."

I sighed and just went along with whatever he wanted. Really, no one in the band listened to me. Well except Rob and Dave, but I actually avoided Rob most of the time now.

I bit my lip nervously, clasping my hands together. Jonathan Davis, freakin Jonathan Davis was going to sing on one of the tracks Mike was working on.

I sat at the small dining room table, thinking about what this guy would be like. Sure, I've seen him around during Family Values a few times, but it was only glimpses. I never really went up to him, o spoke to him. I didn't feel worthy enough to approach him.

After what felt like hours, the whole band showed up, including Don. Mike and Joe had brought all sorts of equipment. "Where do you want us to set up?" Joe asked me dully. He was starting to really hate me too.

"Uh, upstairs in the first room on the left."

He turned around and dragged their things along, leaving me with Rob and Dave. "Feeling real dandy about this whole situation," I growled as I stood up.

"Sorry Ches," Dave muttered, "We tried to tell them, but Mike was insistant that we record here for some reason."

"Why do I even try Dave," I sighed, going around the table and into the kitchen. I headed to the fridge and grabbed bottle of Jack. "If it has anything to do with me, they'll ignore it. And it's pissing me off."

I opened the bottle and and took a generous amount, almost recoiling at the strong flavor. As much as I loved it, I still couldn't get used to the drink's taste. I walked back towards the two, "Maybe if I took off, the only thing they'll ask is 'do you want to throw away this band?'. No 'are you okay' or 'is everything alright'."

"C'mon, don't think that way. Things are just...things are gonna get better eventually," Dave tried, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"That's what you guys told me in highschool. I thought it was true, then everything with Mike happened."

I heard Rob sigh behind me. I turned around and saw him pacing towards the stairs. I pursed my lips, refraining from saying something bitter.

"If it makes you feel better, I have something important to tell you," he said quietly. 

"Hm?" I asked, taking another sip from the bottle.

"Linsey and I are getting married in the winter."

I almost choked on the liquor I was still trying to swallow. "You and Linsey are--" I stopped to cough again. He smiled and nodded.

"I asked her a week ago, when we got back from touring," he said running a hand through his hair. He was growing it out again, it was a little too long to spike up now, so he kept ot down and wore a beanie most of the time.

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