Chapter 25

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It didn't take long to figure out that Chester was upset with everyone. The only time he talked was during our small interviews and if our manager asked him something.

It was also apparent he had been on drugs more often. From the second we went on stage, he would be smoking, and as soon as we got off stage, he would smoke. I was surprised cops haven't searched our bus or something.

And didn't take a genius to figure out he was whoring around. I could hear him screaming and moaning when ever my hotel room was next to his. That fucking slut. I know he's fucking groupies or just some random guys off the street.

"Rob's being boring again," Brad complained when he got off the phone. "He wants to sleep early before we get to the airport."

"Well it is gonna be our first show outside of the U.S.," Dave pointed out, shoving a forkful of cheap hotel steak into his mouth. It was true. We had already finished our North American tour and we were headed to Brixton Academy, or whatever it was called. Everyone was actually pretty hyped.

 "If he wants to sleep early let him." After he finished chewing, he spoke up again. "What about Chester."

"No," I blurted. I seem to get more irritated when someone mentioned him. I cleared my throat. "Well...he's obviously been upset. We should just leave him alone."

"But that's the point," Dave argued, eating more of his food. "He's upset because we don't involve him."

"Uh news flash Phi. He's been busy if you haven't noticed," Joe said from the other side of the room. "You haven't been put in a room next to him but he's been sleeping around." Joe rolled his eyes. "That slut just doesn't know how to clean up his life."

Dave's mouth gaped open, he stated at Joe with wide eyes full of hurt. I was taken back too. Joe really never snapped like that. 

"Joe's right," Brad sighed.

Dave opened his mouth to speak, but there was banging on the wall. Muffled voices and moans were heard. Joe sighed in disgust. "Good luck sleeping Mike. I'm going to my room." Joe got up and made his way towards the room's door.

Dave sighed and put his fork down, staring after Joe. Brad left behind him, not saying anything. "I wish you guys would stop picking on him," Dave muttered. I sighed and sat on the bed with him, moving his plate onto the nightstand. 

"You know why we stay these things Dave. I know you guys wanna help him."

"And you don't," he interrupted, looking up at me with sad eyes. I gulped, not speaking, the sound of the other room's headboard banging noisily against the wall, Chester's muffled moans shaking the walls. He huffed and scooted off the bed, going around the bed and taking his plate. "Just remember why I left in the first place," he snapped.

He grabbed his room key off of the small table and left the room. I sighed and plopped onto the thin pillow, swallowing thickly as my head was now closer to the wall, the events unfolding in the next room now more audible. I screwed my eyes shut and tried to block out the dirty noises from the next room.

"Mmm...fuck me harder!"

I bit my lip hard, feeling warmth stir in my pants. I rolled onto my side and tried to ignore it. Another loud moan resonated from the room. I groaned and grabbed the pillow and held it against my ear.

It seemed to never end. Every scream, every moan, and the inaudible voices were still piercing through the walls. My dick strained against my boxers. I swallowed thickly, images of Chester writhing pleasurably underneath me swimming in my mind. I shook my head. I can't think about him that way. I can't. Not like I did back in high school.

"Oh fuck....yes," I heard him hiss. I whimpered and couldn't help but cup the growing bulge. I gasped at the feel of my hips grinding into my hand. I felt horrible. He wasn't mine. I wasn't his. Not anymore. But hearing him moan like that had me so turned on.

Every other night when I heard him, it seemed a little easy to deal with. Now I couldn't hold myself back. I lay on my back and pulled my sweats and boxers down. I looked down at my groin, my cock large and throbbing. I moaned as I began tugging at my length, some relief surging through me. I gasped and squirmed, hearing Chester and his "partner's" moans.


I sniffled and wiped my face in my hoodie sleeve. My head hurt from all the crying I did for the past half hour. Not until I stopped crying did the commotion from the other room come to me. I sighed, disappointed. I rolled into my side. My eyes were heavy, so closing them felt nice.

I was able to tune out everything, for a while. I felt fine and I was drifting to sleep when something caught my ear.

"Hmm...oh god....fuck me Rob...Ohh."

My eyes snapped open, wide. Rob? Surely that was just a coincidence. Right? I grab my phone and flip it open, finding Rob's contact and texting him.

'Are you awake?'

I close it and wait patiently. Minutes pass and Chester's moans didn't seem to cease. "Fuck I'm so close....Mmmm Rob."

My heart is thudding. Is Rob really the one he's been messing around with? That would explain why only those two were missing sometimes. But how long...?

I sighed, hugging my form. Why won't they tell us. Is it an actual relationship is is Chester just using him? Knowing Chester he's most likely using him as an escape. Like in high school. Before he stopped the drugs.

"I have four 'escapes'. Drugs, alcohol, cutting and sex. Well the cutting doesn't seem to work. Doesn't give me the same high everything else does."

I nodded as I played with his hand. We were sitting on one of the high rock walls, facing each other. He had his hands held out to me and I just played with them, holding them and caressing his palms.

"Of course I don't need to find other guys and sleep around, I have Mike for that."

We giggled and kept talking.

I also couldn't help but remember those soft touches Chester and Rob would share when we were still recording the album. The hand holding, Chester's clinging...

I sighed. It was true then. He just chose someone and slept with that person. Or did he actually see something in Rob? I don't know how it works in his mind but it just results in what's going on in the next room.

A loud moan, and low groan, resonated from the room. Then things seemed to quiet down. I heard muffled voices. I strained my ears, listening for Rob's voice, but I had no avail. They were still talking quietly, so I couldn't quite tell who the other person was yet. Minutes of silence passed and my phone vibrated in my hand. I opened it and open up the text.

'Now I am. What's up Phi?'

I gulped. So it was Rob. He's been sleeping with Chester. But he's not gay. He would've told us. I shook my head and put my phone back on the nightstand. There's too much going on.

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