Chapter 6

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Mike had talked for a while during that band meeting we had right after his outburst. Every time I would try to talk, he would talk over me or completely ignore me. The meeting finished maybe 20 minutes after, everyone was dispersing.

"I'm sorry about that Chaz. He's been such a jerk lately," Dave said while we walked out of the building.  I didn't say anything, I just walked. The other's were ahead of us, all debating where we should eat.

"Do we need to eat together?" Rob muttered. 

Joe pouted, "Do you not like us?" Rob rolled his eyes. Dave put an arm around my shoulder. 

"Where do you want to eat?" 

I shrugged, "It doesn't matter."

"Come on, choose something."

"We can go to that one Mexican restaurant down the street."

"The one I never know how to pronounce?" 

I smile, "Yeah that one." Dave smiles back and tells the guys where we should go. 

"I like that place," Joe says. 

Brad shrugs, "Eh why not." We all agree to meet each other there in a few minutes. Everyone departs to their car.

As I walk into the parking lot, I could hear Mike's footsteps behind me. He feels almost too close. When I turn around, he's literally across the parking lot, getting into his car. It's the same car he's had since I was here. The same old beat up  black car his parents got him all those years ago. The same at we had sex in while at a date  in the park...

I shake my head to remove the memory and I climb into my car. Since I really didn't have to meet the guys until later, I decided to drive around. I drove around town and eventually ended up in Santa Monica. I've always liked it here. It's always been one of my favorite places to go to. As I drove around I came to a stop. I looked out the window, looking at the all the grass and trees. This park. I decided not to stay any longer. There were tears already swelling up in my eyes.

I drove over to the restaurant to wait for the other guys to show up. Mike's car was already parked a few yards away. I look over and see him in his phone. I hear music playing loudly, the bass pounding away. I assume it's from Mike's car since he's the only person I see sitting in his car. Later I see some other cars come into the parking lot. I get out of the car and follow the guys inside, Mike trailing a couple of feet behind. As we walked in, a lady behind the counter looked up and smiled. "Hi! Welcome!"

"Ooh. So many options," Joe said looking at the menu, his eyes wide. Dave and Rob ordered right away. Mike and Brad took their time and Joe eventually chose a taco platter. "Yes tacotacotacotacotaco."

I rolled my eyes and chose something small. "We should go eat in the outdoor area," I suggested to the guys. 

"Sounds good," Brad replied, leading the way. We sat in a big enough table. I sat in between Brad and Joe, right across from Mike unfortunately. I avoided eye contact.

"So, how's Sam?" Dave asked before sipping his drink. 

"Alright. She wants kids but I told her to get a boyfriend first," I chuckle. 

"Wow. Do you guys live together?"

"Yeah, we do," I feel the tugging in my chest again. I reach into my pocket and pull out a cigarette. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I light it and take a long puff from it. "My friend Sean hooked us up with a house. The rent isn't that bad."

"Um," Joe begins, but hesitates. 

"What?" I ask, billowing out a lungful of smoke. Mike looks annoyed as he looks down at the table. He mindlessly takes a pen from his pocket and starts doodling on a napkin. 

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