Chapter 17

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"No. That sounds retarded," Joe says as Mike scratched out another name from our chalkboard. 

"Okay well you name something."


"That's even worse. Does anyone have a good name?"

I had been contemplating one. It sounded dumb but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe I could get them to agree....

"You guys remember in high school how we hung out at Santa Monica all the time?"


"Shut up Scott."

I rolled my eyes and continued, "Lincoln Park? Everyday after school we hung out there. We always made memories there." I almost flinched at that last part. I had a few good ones and a really bad one. I saw Mike tense too.

"Everyday when I drive to work I drive by the park just to see it and the name just keeps catching my attention."

"It's not bad," Mike said writing it down. Oh my god he actually heard me speak.

"Yeah, I actually miss that place," Joe sighed, resting his chin on his hand, looking calmed.

"Lincoln Park," Brad said slowly, letting the name set in. "That sounds awesome!"

"Well looks like we got a name," Don said from his corner. "We can try to get a website started if you like?"

Mike shrugged, "It'll help create an early fan base."

Don opened up his laptop and began typing away. After a while if scrolling and typing his eyes widened. "Ten thousand dollars for a domain name?"


"Well what do we do?" Brad asked. 

Don squinted at the screen, acrunching his face up to think. "Well there's a domain here for ten bucks if we change the spelling."


"What's the spelling?" Mike held up the yellow chalk to the board. "We can spell it the way it sounds. Like without that random L the middle," I suggested. "L-I-N..."
Mike murmured as he spelled it. 

"K," I responded.

"L-I-N-K-I-N," he said. He stated at it and nodded. "That's actually pretty dope," he said laughing. 

Joe clapped his hands, "I like it."

"Same," Scott grinned. "Sounds cool," Rob said. I turned to Don who was typing, his face lighting up. 

"And it's ours! Mike and Joe, you two can help with design."

"Oh god yes," Joe squealed as he bounced towards him. 

Mike snickered, "Joe, I'm the one with the degree for this shit."

"Nerd," Joe stuck his tongue out as he pulled out his old sketch pad.

A few minutes later Mike and Joe had of things done with everyone's input on color and design.

From that, Don moved on to our album art and I almost fainted when Mike presented his idea.

Mike had already chosen and album art. He moved to the back of the room to pull out a medium sized canvas. When he turned it around, my breath caught and my knees buckled. It was our painting. The one I helped with. He still had it.

"Chester and I...did this one back in our Junior year. It's old but it'll do."

"That's really nice," Don took it from his hands gently, like it was an artifact from the ark of the covenant. "This will do. We can scan to it through the computer."

Scott was looking at too. I keep forgetting he's not Dave. I think I broke my own heart again thinking that.

"Wow. Damn Mike, you got a lot of talent."

"He does," Rob clarified, smiling as he moved towards me. I smiled back at him.


I fought a moan as Rob's teeth grazed against my neck. I shivered as he left small kisses along the sensitive area. He bit down on my shoulder, suckling on the area then pulling away to kiss my neck again. I pawed at his chest, breathing heavily as his lips trailed up my jaw to my earlobe. His tongue brushed over the earring and his teeth grazed over it, biting down onto my earlobe.

His lips moved back down my jaw and connected with my lips, kissing me hard. I finally moaned against him, moving my hands to the back of his head. Rob nibbled at my lip, tugging my labret gently and brushing his tongue against mine. I moaned again, pushing forward and melding my lips against his. Our tongues fought and my body grew hot.

"Mmm...I'm gonna get you sick," I moaned. He chuckled and continued kissing me, his hands running down my back, resting on my butt. I whimpered and pressed against him, my legs feeling weak.

"I don't care, it's worth it." I laughed and then turned to unlock the apartment door. We headed to my place and the second he closed the door behind him, I was all over him. Call me desperate, but I need to get off.

"Room," I say between kisses. Rob nods and we both walk down the hall. I fling the door open and bring him down onto the small bed. We're kissing again, our hands roaming. His hand gripped my thigh, moving it to spread my legs so he can rest between my them. I groan and move my hips up, wanting him to press against me. He does, with a light thrust. Rob's erection aligns with mine, rubbing against it roughly. "F-uck..."

Rob's hips moved against mine, our arousal rubbing against each other. He moans quietly and buries his face in the crook of my shoulder. "Rob," I moan, feeling really weird saying it, but I repeat it again shamelessly. His movements pick up and we both moan in unison.

"Don't stop," I pant, the friction making me feel that familiar tingle of pleasure build up in my groin. Our breathing grew heavy. I was sweating in the layers of clothes I had on, but Rob and I clung together. We didn't even separate to remove our sweaters or shoes. 

 My grip on him tightened as I felt myself near climax. "Oh fuck...keep going." I kiss his cheek, signaling that I want to keep kissing him. Rob moves, pressing his lips against mine, moaning as he bucked his hips hard. 

"I'm close," he moaned. My hands roam up, meeting his hands as they moved. He laced his fingers with mine, pinning my arms down. Our hips are grinding roughly, soft moans filling the room.

"Mmmm, fuck I'm gonna cum," I groaned, my groin feeling warm. He moans and his movements slow down. I could feel moisture begin to seep through my clothes as our hips are  still pressed against each other.

He kissed my cheek, smiling. "Enjoyed yourself?"

"Shut up," I laugh softly, feeling slightly exhilarated. 

"I need to shower now," Rob chuckled as he moved off of me. 

"Go ahead," I nodded towards the bathroom door across the room. He walks over to it, getting in and closing the door.

I let out a loud sigh, my hand rubbing near the wet spot in my jeans, still coming down from my orgasm. That wasn't Mike in the room with me. That was Rob. I swallowed the rising bile in my throat. I still had feelings for Mike, but Rob? What did I feel towards him? 

I chewed my lip. This was the first sexual encounter that I had in years with someone I cared about. I still couldn't believe I was doing this with one of my best friends .

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