Chapter 57

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It's our second day of rehearing, and I was feeling somewhat awful. I thought I was getting better, but I was actually getting worse. I tried to take some painkillers, hoping it would lessen the pain, but it didn't do much. I got through a couple songs and had to throw up in between songs afterwards. No one got too upset though, since we didn't have to stop in the middle of the song this time.

I was still in a good mood though. Warren never admitted to it, but he really did have a small crush on me. We had a pretty good time yesterday during lunch and I was hoping to ask him to go out again today.

We finished the set today, and right on time. I was in so much pain. I was in the restrooms, washing my mouth out. Mike walked in, used the restroom, then came up next to me to wash his hands. I gargled some more water, trying so desperately to get the sour, rancid taste out of my mouth. I took my chances and asked Mike for gum.

"Hey, do you have any gum, or a mint?"

He turned of the faucet and dried his hands. "Why. Do you have another date?"

Mike faced me, still drying his hands. "W-what?"

"Who are you gonna be kissing?"

"Mike what are you going on about?"

"I'm sure Warren will understand that you've been under the weather," he simply says, tossing the paper towels into the waste bin, moving to leave.

"Is that what this is about, Mike?" I say. "Are you really angry at me over that?" He stops and turns around to face me again. 

"It's been--what, two weeks and you're already off trying to get into other guys pants?" He's turning red, slowly. 

"It's not like that Mike," I try. "And why are you getting mad? We weren't even dating!"

Mike shakes his head angrily. I know he doesn't have an excuse to back himself up this time.

"I wanted to be with you Mike, but you decided against it. I'm just trying to move on! I am not gonna be miserable, moping around because I can't get over you. I am sick of feeling like that!"

Mike turns away for a moment, breaking eye contact with me. "You know, I understand. You want to move on. I did so much to hurt you." He looks at the ground now. "But I can't help but still feel things towards you."

"Mike." I know where he's going with this. I know what he's going to say. It just feels all too familiar. It's just like how Rob was at the Barnes and Noble earlier this year. 

"Listen to me..." he pleads. "Chester, you...fuck," he's struggling to speak, unable to chose his words. "I hate that I hurt you so much. I don't know if I can forgive myself fully. But, I still lo--"

"No!" I accidentally scream, kind of scaring myself, and Mike. Knowing what he was going to say, I had to stop him before he finished. It just sort of slipped out. "No, no, no, no! Do not do this to me too!" My hands fly up to grip my hair. My stomach is lurching again. "You and Rob--Please stop doing this to me!

I'm crying hysterically. Nausea begins to overcome me again, but I push it aside. My mind is flying, thoughts are racing. The confusion begins to over come me again. These two both are convinced that they love me. One is lust driven, the other can't get over me. I don't even know if they're being genuine with their feelings, if what they're saying is true. I've tried so hard to come to terms with either one, but I can't. I just can't. I'm struggling to much to chose.

I push past Mike, my shoulder burns and aches where I bumped him. Forget rehearsal. I just wanted to go home. I was stuck. I didn't have my drugs to turn to. I had to suffer through these aches and pains of both emotional and physical pain on my own. 


I leave the restroom, shocked and broken. I was also still a little angry, but it didn't get to me as it usually does. I was mostly surprised on how bad Chester reacted to me trying to say that I love him. And it was true.

Oh god, it was true. I had fallen for Chester all over again. And I truly did love him. I wanted him happy, so bad. I just didn't know what to do to make everything better. 

Once I returned to the rehearsal room, the guys immediately bombarded me.

"Where's Chester?"

"Where were you, we need to finish?"

"Did you guys fight?" Everyone stopped at that question to look at Rob. He knew. "I just saw him leave," he adds. "I was assuming he was upset over something."

"We did," I admit shamefully. Dave sighs, rubbing his brow. Brad huffs and Joe doesn't even stick around to hear what happen. 

"You know what Mike," Dave began. The tone in his voice made him seem like he was beyond pissed, but he didn't raise his voice. "I am sick of all this...this fighting. And I think I can speak for everyone on this."

No one spoke up to agree. They didn't need to. They all had this look in their eyes that spoke for them.

"Why is it so hard for you two to stop? This is just stupid now."

Dave then turned towards Rob. "And you. You're not off the hook either!" Rob glared and Dave as he began raising his voice slightly. "Both you and Mike keep making this hard for him!"

Rob opened his mouth to retort, but he just shook his head, walking away from us and joining Joe by the door. He pushed past Joe and left.

"I guess we can pick this up tomorrow," Brad groaned. He and Dave got their things and went out the double doors, leaving me alone. My knees give out and I fall onto the thin carpet. I start crying. I've ruined everything, and I've continued to ruin things.


I was furious at Dave. And especially Mike. He seemed to get away with trying to get to Chester.

I slammed the door and locked my car. I stormed up the steps to my apartment, going inside and slamming that door too. I yelled out in frustration, tears pricking my eyes. I collapse onto the couch and stay seated quietly for a few minutes. I take my glasses off and wipe my eyes.

I tried my best to forget Chester, I really did. But how could I when I saw him everyday, hear his voice everyday. It was bad.

Chester had to choose one of us. But why was he so torn between Mike and I? Mike hurt Chester, and for years too. Why would Chester consider choosing him. Chester knows what Mike did was so wrong. Yet he still considers Mike as an option.

Chester also knows how much I love him, right? Even though I never finished the sentence, he still knew what I was gonna say. Maybe he just needed more convincing.

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