Chapter 39

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I sighed and closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. My head throbbed painfully and I was very low on sleep.

"Can you sing those first two lines again?"

Chester sang and I sighed. "Can you sound a little more agressive?"

He nodded, obviously looking annoyed now. He sang again and I fought the urge to shout at him. "Dude, what part of 'sound more aggressive' don't you understand?"

"You want aggressive? Fine," he spat. He took a deep breath and shouted.

"One minute you're on top! Making your heart stop!"

I snorted and stopped recording. "Perfect."

"Fuck you Shinoda," he snarled. I could very well tell he was becoming to hate me too. It was about time. It was getting annoying how he tried to be nice. 

The door opened and Dave walked in holding a bag of fast food and a drink holder with drinks.

"Food's here," he announced. He set the bag and tray down onto our small table and and began taking his food out.

"Okay Mike, your burger is here, and Chaz, I got you something small."

Chester walked out from the vocal booth and grabbed his box of chicken nuggets. Dave handed him a drink.

"Got you Sprite. I thought Coke would be too much caffeine, and we don't want you crashing anymore."

Chester rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. "I'm fine Dave. It's probably just lack of sleep."

Dave gave him a look. "Really now? I didn't know seizures were a part of sleep deprivation."

Chester shrugged. "You never know."

"Dumbass, you know what you're doing wrong," I scoffed.

Both he and Dave shot me a glare. "It's true. You know you need to quit doing drugs. You're ruining this band."

"Can you shut the fuck up," Chester asked, putting his food down and facing me.

"Why should I? You know I'm right."

"Stop it," he said, sounding like he was about to start begging. Dave stopped eating and was watching us, looking as of he was ready to jump in between us.

"No. You're being a little bitch. We missed two damn record checkpoints this year and it's all your fault."

Chester's eyes welled up in tears. He huffed and turned around, leaving the room.

"Mike!" Dave scolded. "What the fuck?"

"What did I do now Dave? All I did was tell him the truth."

Dave glared at me. "I'm so sick of your shit Shinoda. I left once and I'm not scared to leave again. I only came back so I can stay with my friends and hope you all don't fall apart. But you're not acting like a friend right now."

Dave grabbed his stuff and walked out too.


"Fuck!" I shouted, as I closed the car door. I was fuming. Everyone made me so pissed off and it was getting too much.

I started the car and drove out of the parking lot, turning on the radio and hearing Deftones finish up and Mudvayne begin blaring through the car speakers. I gave out a shuddery breath, gripping the steering wheel.

Angry tears threatened to spill over, but I wiped them away and sighed angrily. I hate him. I hate him so much.


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