Chapter 21

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I nodded in agreement to what Brad said as I stared absentmindedly out the window. We drove out of the downtown area in into the Santa Monica area. I watched as we drove by tall buildings, little light being reflected off of the glass. The sun was barely visible and I swore it would snow any minute.

We eventually drove into the apartment complex and we parked in the large parking lot. "Dave bought lunch but had to go stop by Lindsey's. I think everyone else is stopping by for a bite." He glanced at me, looking anxious. "You talked to him the other day huh?"

I nodded. "Oh okay. He said he'll be there in a few minutes or so. Hopefully we get there before him." We opened the car doors and walked toward the building quickly, the cold nipping at us.

Walking up the rusty, black steps, a small gust of wind blew. I shivered and hugged myself. "It's too damn cold to be October," I grumbled. 

"Tell me about it. I might fart snowflakes out here." I laughed and stood by him as we stopped in front of the door.

Brad fished his pocket for his key and fumbled with the lock before pushing the door open. Warmth and the smell of cheap Chinese take-out welcomed us.

I walked in behind Brad and everyone was sitting in the living room in front of the t.v., take-out box in hand. Scott, Rob and Chester were all in the couch, Chester asleep leaning against Rob. Joe was sprawled on the floor, slurping up noodles.

"What's up guys," I greeted. 

Scott nodded, "Hey Mike."

"What you guys watching," I said taking what looked like teriyaki chicken and sitting next to Joe. "Hocus Pocus."

"Aren't we too old for this," Brad groaned. Joe gasped and his plastic fork fell out of his mouth, toppling onto the shaggy carpet. "Too old? Too old? Brad, Rob just turned twenty. We're all in our twenties. How is that old?"

"Stop pointing out that I'm the baby here," Rod said. 

"It's okay Rob," I chuckled, looking behind me and grinning at him.

"Chester's the oldie here. He's already like what, mid-twenties?"

I snorted, "That's not old."

"I'm almost twenty four," Scott reminded Joe. 

Joe frowned and then turned back to the t.v. "Shuddup. Watch the movie."

"Well actually I need to talk to you guys. Wake Chester up."


I felt Rob shake me and I mentally groaned, feeling way too terrible to want to wake up. "Hmm?"

"Hey, come on just for a little bit," Rob whispered. I nodded groggily and looked at everyone else, who's attention was with Mike and Brad. 

The front door opened before Mike could speak and Dave walked in hesitantly. My eyes widened and I jumped up from the couch. "D-Dave?"He gave me a weak smile and waved.

"Hey guys."

I walked towards him, hugging him tightly.

"Oh my god. I thought you left us for good."

"I wouldn't leave my best friends for anything," Dave said letting out a weak chuckle.

He was shaking as much as I was. A lump formed in my throat as tears began to fill my eyes. "Don't cry Chaz," he said quietly. I let out a weak laugh. He pulled away and everyone else attacked him with hugs.

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