Chapter 19

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Brad and I sat in the car in silence. I turn to him and we look at each other, pretty much speechless.

"This is actually happening," he says grinning. I couldn't help but smile back. 

"I guess it is. Man, we've been dreaming about making music since we were in middle school. I can't believe we got this far."

He started the ignition and we drove away from the radio station. I turned the radio on to some alternative station. "In just seventy-two hours, the album will be sold to the public. This is exciting."

We drove around town and finally stopped at an old subway station ticket office. It was old and run down, not really open to the public anymore. "Five bucks Joe's the co-director," I snickered as we locked the car and made our way to the stairs of the station. 

"Ten if he's geeking out," Brad added grinning. We walked down into the station and found a lot of people already setting up equipment and putting makeup on other people.

"Damn," Brad breathed. Chester was with Scott, talking and laughing as Chester did his hair as drank from a bottle of beer occasionally. 

"He's such a diva," Brad chuckled motioning towards him. I chuckled and joined Rob who was reading a newspaper.

"Hey Bourdon," I greeted, clapping him in the back. 

"What's up." He stood up and folded the newspaper neatly, setting it down on the plastic chair he was on.

"Where's Joe?"

He smirked, "Wanna guess?" He pointed at Joe talking to a older man. They were both discussing something eagerly. I snorted and motioned for Brad to follow me. We walked over to Joe and the man.

"Hey Hahn," I called. He turned to me and then grinned. 

"Mike, have you met Greg?" I shook my head as I turned to the man next to him. The man smiled and extended his arm. 

"Gregory Dark. I'm asuming you're Mike Shinoda?"

"Yes sir."

"Well Joe has told me a lot about how talented you are." I grinned and Greg introduced himself to Brad. 

"Okay, why don't you call the other guys over?" Brad nodded and walked over to Rob, Scott and Chester. Once he came back with them, Greg proceeded to explain what we were doing.

"We just need video clips of of the band playing, then the actors for the opening scene will shoot  their clips after you guys are done."

He turned to the people dressed in black robes, instructing them to stand around band's equipment once we played through the song once.

"He directs porn," Joe whispered as he leaned close to me. I gave him and odd look and shook my head. I directed my attention back to Greg as he waved everyone over.

"Alright, grab your instruments and take your places!" Greg motioned towards all the band equipment. Everyone dispersed to their places. Chester grinned at me and I couldn't help but from back. Fuck. I might as well give the guy a chance today, I can't ruin our first music video with my sour mood.

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