10. Movie Marathon Series

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Back to the Future - You guys have watched a lot of movie series together, but this is your favorite series so you enjoy watching them all in a row, and sharing them with Steve.


Indiana Jones - They're set closer to the time he originally lived in and he likes seeing Nazis get their asses kicked by Indy.


Star Wars - Pietro enjoys the adventure involved and his favorite character is Han Solo, obviously.


Alfred Hitchcock movies - Hitchcock movies are classics and you love sharing them him, and he enjoys how excited you get about them.


Lord of the Rings - Let's be real here, Clint is definitely a Legolas fan and you both enjoy all the movies.


Pirates of the Caribbean - Thor thinks Captain Jack is hilarious and you love watching the movies and watching Thor get excited about them.


Star Trek - You both watched the original series growing up and you love watching the movies together. In this case it's the original movies not the new ones.


James Bond - You guys made a drinking game, where you take a shot every time he does something a spy would never really do. You both get completely hammered really fast.


Harry Potter - She loves the magic and the story, and you've been a fan of the series most of your life.

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