36. Proposals - Steve

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You were sitting on the couch, flipping through the newspaper when you suddenly heard your phone, Steve's ringtone to be specific. You smiled to yourself before quickly running over to pick it up, stopping for a second to giggle at the caller ID picture before actually answering the phone.

"Hello there, I hear you're the Star Spangled Man With a Plan, how can I help you achieve this plan?" You heard him laugh quite loudly on the other end of the line and you could clearly picture him shaking his head at you. 

"Hey darling, you're not doing anything this afternoon right?" He asked and you smiled even more to yourself.

"Well, I currently don't have any plans, but I think my boyfriend wants me to hang out with him." You heard Steve chuckle again.

"You would be correct, do you think you would be good to go if I came by to pick you up in an hour?" He sounded exited, but also nervous.

"Absolutely, I'll see you then."

"Great, I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too spangles." With that you hung up and went to go get dressed. You figured with the short notice and the date being in the middle of the day, that Steve hadn't planed anything too fancy. You put on a t-shirt and jeans, with one of Steve's flannels that you had stolen over your shirt. Then you put on some light make-up and went to find your converse which seemed to be hiding pretty well somewhere in your apartment. When you finally found them it was just seconds before your doorbell rang. You went to go open the door, one shoe on your foot and the other still in your hand. When you opened the door Steve was standing there smiling with flowers in his hand, and then you motioned for him to come inside with the hand that still had a shoe in it. Steve chuckled at you while following you inside as you hobbled around trying to get your second shoe on your foot.

"I thought you said you could be ready in an hour." You rolled your eyes at a grinning Steve as he walked to you cabinet to grab a vase.

"I am ready, I just..." You trailed off before telling Steve about your "Great Shoe Hunt."

"You just what?"  Steve asked.

"I spent half an hour looking for my lost shoes." You said while looking down at the ground. At this Steve burst out laughing hysterically while he filled the vase he had grabbed with water and placed the flowers in it. You rolled your eyes at him again, chuckling to yourself a bit. Then you grabbed your phone and keys putting them in your pocket. "So Steve, where are we headed this fine afternoon? And thank you for the flowers." 

"You're welcome and well, I was thinking a picnic in Central Park might make a nice afternoon outing." You smiled widely at this. 

"Sounds great."  You said before the two of you headed out. Steve drove you two to the park and when you got there he pulled a blanket and a large basket out of the back of the car. He carried the two in one hand and held your hand with the other. You walked for a little while before settling down for your picnic.

After Steve set up the blanket you both sat down and he emptied the basket. As he pulled out food you noticed it was all your favorites. Your favorite sandwich, pasta salad from your favorite diner, a bag of your favorite chips and a bottle of your favorite wine. A smile stayed plastered on your face the entire time he was emptying the basket.

"What's the special occasion?" You asked Steve. Before he answered a fleeting second of nervousness passed over his face, and then he smiled at you again.

"Does a guy really need a special occasion to do something nice for the girl he loves?" You smiled at this.

"I guess not." You continued to smile, but you couldn't stop thinking about the nervous look that Steve had. You thought about through out the entire meal, wondering what it could have possibly meant. The two of you had a great picnic though and you enjoyed yourselves quite a bit. When you finished eating Steve put the basket and blanket back in the car before you both decided to go for a walk.  You chatted and walked hand-in-hand for a while around the park. Then you found yourselves on Bow Bridge where you stopped and stood looking out over the water. Silence fell between you two for a few minutes. Then Steve took a step back while you continued to look at the water, that's when he cleared his throat. You turned to look at him and he was smiling nervously at the ground before he looked to you and took your left hand in both of his. 

"(Y/N) I have to confess, I wasn't entirely honest about there being no special occasion for today." You smiled at him.

"I kind of figured." Steve chuckled lightly at this before he continued.

"You see (Y/N), I wanted to take you out today to celebrate all the wonderful ways you have changed my life. You have made me so incredibly happy in ways that I did not think were possible." At this point happy tears started form in your eyes. "I felt so out of place in this time until I met you. You make me feel like I have a place in this world, like I am home. I want to thank you for this and for helping me learn about your time. I love you so much." The tears that formed started to fall, and Steve got down on one knee in front of you using his right hand to reach into his pocket. He pulled out a small black box from his pocket and you gasped suddenly holding your hands to your face. "(Y/N) you have made my life better in every way and I love you more than anything in the world. Will you do me the greatest honor and become my wife?" He finished opening up the box to reveal a gorgeous engagement ring. You wanted to scream yes at him, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. You nodded furiously at him tears of happiness pouring down your face, and Steve quickly slipped the ring onto your finger, before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You stood there kissing your fiance on that bridge for several minutes before finally pulling away. When you did you were both smiling at each other, before you noticed that a few other people had walked onto the bridge and they started clapping for the two of you. Both you and Steve blushed and you buried your face in his chest, while he buried his in your neck.

Today was definitely the happiest day of your life so far. 

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