Chapter 33: Background check!

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POV: Sang Handerson

Stepping into the stop, I take a very slow breath allowing myself to relax as I carefully put my cane away and move into the back room. The boys hadn't been happy about me leaving so suddenly but I had promised Mr. Blackbourne to come straight back to Gabriel's and Luke's apartment after I had time to talk with Avery. Pausing, I let out a slow breath my mind racing with questions as I move into the back room. It is on the quieter side but I can still hear movement from the back of the room. 

"Avery we need to talk." I state moving into the back and the movement stills. I can feel myself tremble as I hear her footsteps moving forward toward me. 

"Let's talk in the lounge." She states and I bit my lip hearing her clipped voice. Moving to the lounge area, I curl up on the couch and look to Avery waiting for her to start but to my surprise the first words out of her mouth are "Who are those boys?"  Frozen I could feel the shock etched into my face. 

What had she just asked? 

I am unable to respond as Avery continues on. "Look Sang I get that its hard being in protective services but you need to tell me who those guys are so that I can vet them. You don't know who they are. I get that you want to make friends but honestly I am the only one you can really trust."

I sit there appalled as I listen to the words coming out of Avery's mouth. Was she serious? Why was she suddenly vetting all of my friends? She hadn't vetted Marc when he had wanted to work here. Why now? 

"Why?" I manage to whisper trembling slightly as I wait for a response but I feel Avery still and silence fallows. She was hiding something from me. The person who was supposed to protect me was hiding something important from me.Panicking, I struggle to control my breathing and to keep myself calm when suddenly the door to the lounge opens and the scent of tea drifts in.

Avery instantly falls silent as Marc's voice fills the air. "Avery what are we going to do ab-" He stops mid sentence as I assume he catches sight of me. "Sang? What's wrong?" The tone of voice instantly changes as Marc begins to question what was occurring in the lounge before his arrival but Avery still is silent as he moves toward us. 

She isn't to be trusted. 

The thought instantly snaps into my head and I quickly stand avoiding Avery moving toward the door. Marc's voice is silent as I move my breathing very shaken as I try and get to the door.

"Nothing." I whisper quietly moving past Marc. "Nothing is wrong." But my voice instantly gives me away as it wavers. But before I can make it to the door, a hand catches my wrist and I instantly freeze, the image of him grabbing my wrist in a painful way flashing into my memory. Wrenching my arm out of Avery's grip, I move out of the shop and back into the street. My breathing is erratic as I rush from the shop and down the street my body trembles with fear. The fear of the unknown.

"Sang!" Marc's voice calls after me and I pause for a moment looking back in the direction of his voice. I can hear his breathing as he rushes to catch up to me. I don't hear another set of footsteps and I manage another small breath knowing that Avery is no longer around. "Sang I don't get what's happening at all but I want you safe. Can I call someone to pick you up?" The hint of his voice instantly makes me think of Luke, Gabriel, Mr. B and the rest of the boys. 

"Yes." I whisper instantly not allowing myself to over think. They would keep me safe. I knew that deep in my heart. Sensing how uncomfortable I am, Marc doesn't get closer, allowing me space as he pulls out his phone and dials. 

I can hear the soft sound of the phone ringing coming from the phone. "Hey." He states into the phone and there is a moment of silence before he begins again. "Hold up I need you to talk to someone." He states before he places the phone carefully in my hand. Carefully, I place it to my ear and my heart flutters as I hear the gentle baritone voice of Victor's resonating through it. 

"Hello?" He states confusion lacing into his voice and I can hear the soft sound of wind rushing in the background indicating he was in a car. 

"Victor?" I whisper back surprised but ever so happy to hear from one of the guys. 

"Sang?!" There is a second of hesitation as Victor tries to place my voice. Victor's voice is laced with surprise and worry. Unable to I hold back a set of tears, I duck my face down to look at the ground not wanting Marc to notice my weak state. But my movement's don't go unnoticed as I feel a large warm hand slip into my own and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. 

"Sang what is going on?! Are you alright? Where are you? Where is Mr. B?" Victor's voice breaks through my thoughts with his worried voice as his questions begin to spill out of the phone. I let out a slow claiming breath before I manage to speak. 

"I ummm I went to the flower shop but something happened and... Would you mind coming to pick me up? Marc let me barrow his phone so I could call." I whisper into the phone trying my best to hold back my tears as I make sure to avoid the question of if I am alright. 

"Of course." His answer is instant which allows me to breath out my held breath. "I am on the way over now. Are you alright?" His voice drops down a few octaves comforting as he questions me gentle and I nod a little to myself. 

"Better now." I whisper back and I feel Marc squeeze my hand again. Blushing slightly, I relax a little and follow Marc as he guides me down the street to the corner. 

"Okay. I am on the way. You stay there with Marc. Stay safe princess I will be right there." Victor's voice is gentle but protective making me blush even more. 

"Okay." I whisper before handing the phone to Marc who gently guides me to a bench to wait. Marc sits beside me keeping his hand in mine. I sit there awkwardly unsure what to say to Marc as we wait and settle with a simple, "Thank you." 

"It's okay." Marc whispers in response but before he can say any more he pauses and gently guides me to stand up. As I stand, a little confused, the scent of moss and berries washes over me and I rush forward dropping Marc's hand. Instantly arms are wrapped around my waist and I curl into Victor's chest. 

"You are okay." He whispers gently into my hair as he places a soft kiss on my forehead his arms protectively pulling me closer to his chest. I didn't realize it but tears had started to soak into my sash and slip down my cheeks.  Instantly I let out a shaken breath and rest my head into the crook of his neck letting him hold me for just a moment. "Thank's Marc." Victor whispers quietly before he guides me away into a running car at the side of the road. 

Taking my seat carefully in the car, I can feel Victor slide in next to me before closing the door. The warmth of the car makes me shiver and instantly Victor's hand wraps around my side and pulls me closer to his chest. "Right now just breath. I am going to update Mr. B okay?" I nod quietly and stay curled up as Victor pulls out his cell phone. 

Allowing myself to relax, I curl up and rest allowing the words that Avery had bitterly said wash away. I listen to Victor's voice as he speaks into the phone. "Mr. B I have Sang with me." He states quickly running his fingers through my hair in a comforting manner. 

"Is everything alright?" I can hear Mr. Blackbourne's voice through the phone and I let out a soft breath relaxing a bit more. 

"Something seemed to upset her. I am on the way to our apartment for now. If you want to meet there that is fine." Victor states smoothly and places his hand comfortingly on my side. I nod letting him know that I am okay with this. 

"I will meet you there. Silas should be there as well." The phone hangs up and I right staying close to the male. 

Thank god for these boys.     

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