Chapter 35: Green Eyes

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Point of View: Victor Morgan 

I could feel my body shaking with anger as Sang completed her story revealing some of her past. She had been harmed by someone, brave enough to stand up and tell the truth in court, and then betrayed by someone she was supposed to have been able to be trusted. I glance to Mr. Blackbourne who is also having trouble composing himself as he listens to Sang's story. 

This girl is strong. 

The words floated into my mind instantly as I looked at the small girl curled up in the corner of the couch. She was alone and not to mention she couldn't see and yet she had survived it all. It was amazing that she had survived. 

Taking a slow and calming breath, I pushed the horrible thoughts from my mind when suddenly Sang's soft voice cut off all thoughts all together. "You won't make me leave?" The words stung painfully as they sat in the air and I could feel my eyes widen in surprise. She had been worried we wouldn't want her any longer because of this. I could feel my heart sink in my chest that this little bird had that little trust in us and yet I completely understood why now. 

"Miss Sang you are more than welcome to stay with us as long as you want. We will never push you away. None of us." Mr. Blackbourne stated warmly and his eyes met mine. Quickly shifting, I pulled out my phone and opened a new group message with everyone. 

Group Message: 

Victor: Report: Sang is here at our apartment with Mr. Blackbourne and Silas. Something had occurred at Sang's work place and Marc called me and I came to pick her up. We need to have a group meeting as soon as possible to talk about Sang's past and to keep her safe. 

Luke: Is she alright?

Gabriel: I knew it was a bad idea to let her go back to work after what happened. When is the meeting? 

Kota: I will talk to Mr. Blackbourne as soon as possible to set it up. How is she doing Victor? 

Nathan: I think she should come to the meeting. 

Silas: I agree with Nathan. She needs to be there. Sang is okay. She is a little shaken from what has happened recently. Mr. Blackbourne is talking with her currently. From what she has told us about her past she really doesn't have a lot of trust built up just yet and we need to keep her comfortable. It seems as though her past is hurting her. 

North: I will fucking hurt anyone that hurts Sang baby. I am in for this meeting. 

Dr. Green: I will see when I can get out of work. Keep us updated about Pookie. 

End of Group Text 

Letting out a slow breath, I slipped my phone into my pocket as I stood up and moved to the couch taking my place on the other side of Sang. Gently, I slip my hand over to her's and give it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for calling me to come get you." I whispered my eyes focused upon her facial expressions. 

"I am just glad Marc had your number." She whispered quietly under her breath as she curled up father into the couch. A slight smile had appeared on her soft lips as she held my hand. Stunned I froze. Marc had been the one to offer to call. Why hadn't Sang asked about why? I glanced to Silas quickly whose eyes mirrored my thoughts. 

With a nod, Silas moved to go talk to Mr. Blackbourne as I gently pulled Sang closer to me letting her rest against my chest. "I am glad you opened up about your past." I whispered into her ear softly running my fingers through her hair. 

Sang stilled for a moment before she buried her face into my chest. "I was worried about how you guys would react." She stated her fingers playing with mine. "I haven't really told anyone before and since it was a... painful ordeal, I don't want to put you all in danger." Surprised, I smile and gently rub Sang's side. 

"We don't want you in danger either, Sang. You are just as important as we are." I smile softly at the blush that appears on her cheeks. Staying curled up on the couch, I gently play with Sang's hair as she rests against my chest. I can feel the scars from her back pressing into my side but I don't say anything. As long as she is comfortable I am comfortable. 

"Hey anyone home?" Glancing up I smile spotting Luke and North stepping into the room each of them carrying groceries. Sang shifts to sit up and waves slightly to North and Luke. 

"Hi Luke. Hi North." She states carefully climbing off the couch to go greet them. I smile watching her for a moment before I stand and move upstairs to my room. Closing the door, I move to my desk and open up my laptop. 

Waking up my laptop, I quickly pulled up my browsers and began to search Sang's name throughout the internet but this time on a larger scale. Once again nothing and I actually relaxed a little. That at least meant the identity that Sang had been given to hide who she really was actually happened to be solid. With a sigh I looked up the story in which Sang had just told me using the specific parameters she had stated and I froze. 

More than twenty five articles instantly appeared about one case. This wasn't good. Quickly opening the first one, I could feel my heart stop as I started to read the different headlines. 

Male Apprehended After a Slew of Murders Occur in New Jersey Area.  

Multi-State Mob Boss Murderer Captured After Torturing One of His Victims. 

Victims Step Forward After Mob Boss Murderer is Put to Justice. 

Taking a shaky breath, I quickly click on the police case file and my eyes widen as I flick through the horrid pictures of different murder scenes. But what catches my eyes are the bright clear light green eyes. Sang. Those scared timid eyes look directly into the camera as my eyes spot the large deep scars that run down her back stitches sticking out of them.

I can hear my heart pounding against my chest as I try and take in all of the different details from the articles. Could this even be possible? I stare at the picture for a second more my eyes caught in Sang's bright innocent eyes when there is a knock on the door. Instantly my eyes shift to the door meeting Mr. Blackbourne's grey eyes.  

"Mr. Morgan?" Taking a slow deep breath I nod my head to the concerned male as he closes the door behind him. Stepping to my side I can see Mr. Blackbourne's cool demeanor melt away and become ridged. 

"She went through hell." I whisper looking at him before forcing another breath out. "That man almost killed her..." I can feel the tears for her pain burning behind my eyes and I quickly drop my head and rest my forehead in my hands.  

"She stood up Mr. Morgan. If she didn't more would have died. We have to protect her." Mr. Blackbourne's voice was calm but I knew that he was holding back more feelings than he let on. 

"What are we going to do about the others?" I ask quietly glancing to the doorway. I could hear some of the other's voices from downstairs. 

"They need to know but it is Miss... Miss Sang's job to tell. It is her story and we are here for her. I am going to reach out to the academy and check to see the status of the investigation and the protective services that Sang has been entered into. But for right now we stay close and keep her comfortable. 



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