Chapter 40: Who are you?

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Point of View: North 

Pressing the red circle on my phone, I end the phone call between myself and Sang as Victor pulls his phone away. From the tone of her voice, I could tell that she was getting tired again and I had hopefully calmed her nerves a little bit but I had to be sure. Sitting up in bed, I quickly flick my fingers across the screen and open up the cameras set up in Victor's room. My eyes adjust to the brightness of the screen as the cameras come into view and I spot Sang shifting in Victor's bed. 

I watch as she turns over carefully before Victor pulls her closer to his chest. Slightly jealous that Sang Baby isn't in my arms currently, I move to turn off the camera in order to give the two some space when I realize that something is different. Squinting, I look over Sang once more when I realize that it isn't that something is different but something is missing.

 Pinching my fingers, I quickly zoom in on the two in bed and allow the camera come into focus. The second it does, however, I can't help but bolt out of bed not believing what I am seeing. Sure, Sang is curled up in Victor's bed but I can see no sash covering her eyes. Letting out a shaken breath, I zoom in even farther and allow my eyes to trace the scars running over her eyes. 

What had happened to this beautiful young girl? 

Watching Sang scrunch her face slightly as she falls back asleep, I am now completely awake studying her face. The thick scars covering her eyes running over the bridge of her nose and then across her other eye makes it seem as though she is wearing a mask. Frowning, I take a few screen shots before emailing them to Doc. 

Unable to wait, I click Doc's number and bring the phone up to my ear. "North? What's up?" Dr. Green's voice sounds tired but awake. Realizing that he is probably at the hospital, I feel a little better that I am not awaking him from the little sleep he gets.

"Check your email." I state moving out of the comforts of my bed and to the door. I hear the phone click onto speaker phone, as I move out of my room through the living room and into the kitchen. Starting the coffee maker, I rub my eyes as I listen to Doc talking on the other end of the phone. 

"Okie dokie... let's see here..." Doc says his voice high pitched like usual until a sharp breath cuts through the phone "Oh my... North are these-"

"I just took them." I quickly explain not wanting to upset any of my brother's. " Victor called about ten minutes ago, Sang had another nightmare and when I checked in on her, I found she wasn't wearing her sash." I quickly explained. "Doc, why do these scars look strange?" 

There is a moment of silence on the other end of the phone when suddenly I hear Doc typing. "These scars didn't heal correctly." He states and I can tell he is distracted. "She wouldn't look directly at me when I first met her.... North, it is as though there were bandages wrapped around her eyes before they healed causing the scars to form around it." Doc states his voice hushed. 

Fully awake now, I can feel the anger bubbling in my chest. Bandages wrapped around her eyes before they healed... The words sunk into my stomach as I force myself to take a slow breath. Covering my eyes with my hands I do my best to push the image I have out of my head as I try and form words. "Are you saying that those scars could have been prevented?" 

I think of how nervous Sang gets when ever one of us touches her scars or goes to look at them. She had been told by someone that they looked disgusting or something along those lines because her lack of confidence disappears completely and she breaks down when one of us gets close. And to think that someone could have prevented this pain she is now feeling, I could punch someone.  

"Yes. They could have completely been prevented..." Doc states quietly through the phone. "Any doctor would have been able to prevent this. It is basic training..." I hear more tapping in the background and I am hoping that the Doc is looking into her files. 

Doing my very best to contain my anger, I grab the coffee pot and pour myself a glass when I hear footsteps moving down the hall. Glancing to my left, I find Silas standing in the doorway, his hair sticking up on one side of his head.   Eínai kakó kápoios? Is someone hurt?  He asks. 

Shaking my head once, I notice him frown as he steps forward and takes the coffee pot from me. He knows something is wrong. But before I am able to explain, Doc's voice reappears on the other end of the phone. "Her last medical records..." I hear Doc freeze and then slam down on what seems to be the key board. 

"Doc!" I call out worried and I watch Silas's eyes widen as he moves to grab my car keys when suddenly Doc's voice is back on the other end of the phone. Raising my hand to Silas, I focus on what Doc is saying. 

"There is no records... nothing on her... North I can't find anything... She doesn't have medical records at all." He states in breaths as I hear his fingers typing faster and faster. 

"Doc that isn't possible." I state calmly trying to understand what he is saying. 

"I know! But North from what I can tell she doesn't have a birth certificate... nothing. No records of her age... How she became blind.... nothing..." Frozen in spot, I can feel my chest exploding with anger and I do my best to calm down. 

"I am calling Mr. B." I state. "I will call you with an update." Ending the phone call, I put my phone down for a moment to try and sort through what I am thinking. 

"North?" Silas's arm squeezes my shoulder and I look up. 

"She doesn't exist Si. I can't figure out what is going on." Rubbing my forehead trying to reason with myself, I pick up my phone again and hit Mr. Blackbourne's number. Putting the phone on speaker this time, I nod to Silas to head to the living room and we take a seat on the leather couch. Silas's eyes study me worried as we listen to the ring. 

"Mr. Taylor?" The tired voice of Mr. B appears on the phone. 

"I just called Doc. Mr. B when Victor was looking up Sang's file was there any mention of her name?" I ask curiously. 

"No, Mr. Taylor. There was no mention of her name." He states and I can hear the sound of covers shifting. "Mr. Taylor is there something the matter?" Mr. B's voice is in the tone of an order and I try and control my anger. 

"Mr. B I just called Doc. I was checking in with Victor and Sang had taken her sash off. I was worried about how the scars had healed and asked Doc about them. Doc says she doesn't have any medical records however." I state glancing to Silas whose eye brows are drawn in confusion. 

"Mr. Taylor that isn't possible." Mr. Blackbourne states through the phone and I grind my teeth together. 

"I know." I state firmly. "But Doc can't find anything at all. He searched all databases. Did Vic pull up anything when he was looking into Sang?" 

There is a moment of silence on the phone and suddenly Mr. Blackbourne's voice is stern. "He didn't. He looked up the case... Mr. Taylor I am going to have Mr. Morgan and Mr. Lee start working on this. Who else is aware of this fact?" 

"Doc, Silas, and myself." I state and there is shuffling on the other end of the phone. "Mr. B what do we do?" I ask confused as to what is going on or what is running through my head. 

"Let me figure that out Mr. Taylor. For right now do your best to rest and get some sleep. Head over after your shift at work and we will have another family meeting." And with that the phone clicks off. 

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